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Turkey: Banks Primed For Growth

Turkish Banking Turkey has a robust banking system that is ready to support the country’s economic growth. By Gordon Platt Tansan: “Turkey’s banks are the best in the world in terms of the strength of their capital ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Turkey: Inward Investment

DYNAMIC GROWTH POTENTIAL Turkey’s leaders have been actively promoting inward investment—with resoundingsuccessful results. By Gordon Platt Turkey is rolling out the red carpet for foreign investors, hoping to capitalize on its considerable growth potential once the ...

Award Winners


Istanbul, October 6th, 2009 – Global Finance magazine hosted its thirteenth annual Best Bank Awards ceremony on October 6th, 2009,...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Cover Story: Emerging Powerhouses

Far from collapsing under the weight of the recent financial crisis, the biggest emerging markets are powering the next wave of global growth. By Laurence Neville In its July World Economic Update,the International Monetary Fund said that the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features: A Region in Transition

Economic Update Central Asia The former Soviet republics of Central Asia are undergoing dramatic and sometimes painful change as they attempt to modernize their economies and to exploit their vast reserves of natural resources. By Paula L. Green ...

Award Winners

Features: The World’s Best Internet Banks

PIONEERS GO MOBILE In the first of a two-part series, Global Finance identifies the best online corporate and consumer banks by country and regionally by product or service category. By Adam Rombel Much of the past year ...

Award Winners


GLOBAL Corporate JPMorgan Chase Consumer HSBC Private Credit Suisse Asset Management States Street Global Advisors Custody The Bank of New...

Award Winners


REGIONAL WINNER Standard Chartered COUNTRY WINNER Algeria Arab Banking Corporation Algeria Angola BES Angola Botswana Standard Chartered Bank Botswana Cote...