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Payment Instruments: Checks

<p>According to the Bank for International Settlements, a check is a written order from one party (the drawer) to another (the drawee, normally a bank) requiring the drawee to pay a specified sum on demand to the drawer or to ...</p>


Best Countries for Doing Business 2015

<p>The ease with which companies can start and run their businesses correlates with countries’ regulations and protection of property rights, according to the World Bank’s Doing Business 2013 report. In 2013 like in 2012, Singapore ranks first for the ease ...</p>


Payments Volumes Worldwide

<p>According to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), a payment system consists of a set of instruments, banking procedures and, typically, interbank funds transfer systems that ensure the circulation of money. More simply, it is a system to handle the ...</p>

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Milestones: Japan Joins Talks On World’s Biggest Free-Trade Zone

MILESTONES: GLOBAL By Erik Heinrich Japan has been invited to participate in negotiations that extend the reach of Nafta into South America and the Asia Pacific region. Other members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), expected to be the world’s ...


Milestones: Private-Sector Banks Rake In Profits In Iraq

MILESTONES: IRAQ By Gordon Platt The five largest nongovernmental banks in Iraq posted a 207% increase in aggregate earnings between 2010 and 2012, thanks to the country’s strong economic growth and increasing demand for credit, according to a report on ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Risk Management: Supply Chain Risk

BUILDING IN RESILIENCE By Karen Kroll Creating a flexible, robust supply chain is key to reducing the likelihood and potential impact of disruptions. Effectively managing supply chain risk, while always important, is becoming increasingly critical. Companies are ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Tackling Renminbi Trade

SWEEPING CHANGE By Arthur Clennam Recent easing of regulatory restrictions will increase offshore circulation of the renminbi and connect China with the rest of the world. Smart treasurers and chief financial officers of multinational companies have sought ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Technology & Treasury Management: The Innovators

INCREASED COMPETITION IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION By Rob Daly Transaction banks are working hard to be more agile and innovative in meeting corporate treasury needs. Some are succeeding better than others, and those that push boundaries may ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Islamic Financial Institutions 2013: Country Winners

<p>World’s Best Islamic Financial Institutions 2013: Country Winners Algeria Banque Al Baraka D’Algérie Bahrain Al Baraka Islamic Bank Bahrain Bangladesh Islamic Bank Bangladesh Brunei Darussalam Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam Egypt Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt Indonesia Bank Muamalat Indonesia Jordan ...</p>

Award Winners

World’s Best Islamic Financial Institutions 2013: Regional Winners

World’s Best Islamic Financial Institutions 2013: Regional Winners Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Al Rajhi Bank Non-GCC Middle East/Africa Al Baraka Bank Asia Maybank Islamic Berhad Europe Bank of London and the Middle East GULF COOPERATION COUNCIL Al Rajhi Bank According ...

Award Winners

Awards: World’s Best Banks 2013

BRIGHT STARS By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt Following a year that included some of the biggest scandals in banking history—the London Whale, the Libor rate-fixing scandal, widespread money laundering, insider trading, rogue trading and ...