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EM Regional Review: Middle East

THE ARAB SPRING’S COSTS AND CONSEQUENCES By Gordon Platt Countries in the region are evaluating the economic outcome of social and political upheaval—both the opportunities and the challenges. Commercial International Bank, Egypt’s largest private sector bank, ...

Award Winners

Safest Emerging Markets Banks 2011

ASIAN DOMINANCE By Andrew Cunningham Global Finance ’s first annual ranking of the Top 50 Safest Banks in the Emerging Markets. The ranks of the safest banks in the emerging markets are dominated by Asia and ...

Award Winners


Global Finance names the World’s 50 Safest Banks 2011 NEW YORK, August 18, 2011 Bank stability is an ever-more pressing...


GCC: Banks Remain Reluctant To Lend

GCC REGIONAL REPORT: BACK FROM THE BRINK By Gordon Platt Upheaval in the region and beyond is encouraging banks to bolster their balance sheets before launching any aggressive lending programs. Banks in the GCC have recovered from the ...


GCC: Big Changes Loom

GCC REGIONAL REPORT: MARKING A MILESTONE By Gordon Platt The regional group faces new challenges as it celebrates its 30th anniversary. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) celebrated its 30th anniversary on May 25 with quiet flag-raising ceremonies ...

Country Report

An Oasis Of Calm

COUNTRY REPORT: KUWAIT By Gordon Platt Kuwait has been largely unaffected by the winds of change sweeping through the Middle East and North Africa. In the 50 years since Britain ended its protectorate and Kuwait became an ...

Award Winners

Islamic Bank Awards 2011: By Country

Country Awards Algeria Al Salam Bank-Algeria Al Salam Bank-Algeria was established in October 2008 with capital of $100 million. New rules on Islamic banking in Algeria became effective in January 2011 and are expected to promote the growth of the ...

Award Winners

Islamic Bank Awards 2011: Overall Awards

Overall Awards Best Sukuk Bank CIMB Islamic Malaysia-based CIMB Islamic has been the top sukuk underwriter for each of the past four years. In 2010 it boosted its leading global market share to 23%, largely on the strength of Malaysian ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks: Middle East Country Winners

Middle East Change Creates New Opportunities Banks in the Middle East are pulling in their horns in light of the widespread political upheaval in the region. Markets have been unsettled by the political developments, but the economic fundamentals remain ...