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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Cover Story: Asia’s big year

  Asia’s most dynamic economies are amassing huge cash fortunes that they can then wield to increase their power around the world. Will 2008 be the year when we t ruly see the balance of global power shift to the ...


Features : Changing The Game

SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS With sovereign wealth funds rapidly becoming one of the most powerful forces in global finance, one key question has emerged: Should they be feared or revered? With the subprime-induced credit crunch causing stocks of financial giants such ...


Newsmakers : Miliband Urges EU To Open Door To More New Members

UNITED KINGDOM     Miliband: The European Union should ontinue to expand to the east The United Kingdom’s foreign secretary, David Miliband, says that the European Union should gradually expand further into Eastern Europe, including Russia, as well as into ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover Story : Stop Party People

PARTY ON! PRIVATE EQUITY   Private equity has had a tough year. It was hounded by legislators for its methods during the first half of 2007. And in the second half it was hit by the credit crunch. Can its ...


Features : Shariah-Compliant Corporate Finance Forges Ahead

ISLAMIC INVESTMENT BANKING Investor demand, banks’ creativity and deep pools of liquidity in the Middle East are driving strong growth in the development of Islamic investment banking products.     Hassoune:“Investors and entrepreneurs must  hare the risks and rewards of ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Deals Still Getting Done, But They Are Smaller

MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS The global credit crunch appears to be having a major impact on the size and financing of takeovers, where cash deals for much smaller targets are increasingly the rule. The biggest announced M&A; transaction worldwide in August ...


Features : Collateral Damage

FOCUS / TERRORISM FUNDING     Legislation aimed at cracking down on funding for terrorists is having some damaging side effects for banks and businesses. Kochan: It may be a fallacy that banks can anticipate terrorist financing. Following the attacks ...

Award Winners

Features : Growth Explosion

INTERNET BANKING Over the past two decades, Internet banking has gone from non-existent to ubiquitous. As this year’s Global Finance Internet Banks Awards show, many of the pioneers are still dominant forces, driving the market forward.     Banks have ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features : Hot Topic Or Hot Air?

INSIGHT / CARBON OFFSETTING Carbon emissions reduction is an increasingly important aspect of any global corporation’s operations. But working on reductions and investing wisely in offset projects is a critical element of that.     Companies are increasingly looking to ...


Milestones : Booming Islamic Finance Faces Hurdles

GLOBAL     High aspirations: Islamic finance on the rise. Excess liquidity and the tidal wave of petrodollars flooding into the Middle East are causing a surge of interest in Islamic finance. The growth rate of the industry is now ...