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Cover Story: Banking Bonzana

  China International and domestic banks are spreading the net ever wider in their efforts to bring financial services to China’s increasingly wealthy population.     China has outdone itself. The country’s economy grew by 11.5% in the first three ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features : Down But Not Out

MARKET FORCES / EQUITY DERIVATIVES Corporations might be wary of employing complex financial instruments in the wake of the credit crunch, but a closer look at the anatomy of the meltdown suggests equity derivatives still present some interesting opportunities.   ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features : Miners Going Major

ANALYSIS - MINING The world’s biggest mining companies look set to continue growing sharply as competition for resources continues to intensify.       In the closing months of 2007, as investors fled equities and piled into commodities like gold ...

Country Report

Features : Power Play

COUNTRY REPORT / RUSSIA Having hand picked his successor as Russian president, Vladimir Putin has assured the country there will be a smooth transition of power. How much power he will retain remains in question.   Oil has filled Russia's ...

Country Report

Features: Storm Clouds And Silver Linings

<p>CANADA When Canada’s dollar reached parity with the US dollar, it was cause for national celebration. For the country’s corporations, still reeling from the credit crunch, the muscular currency is a very mixed blessing.         In recent ...</p>


Newsmakers : Businesses Prove The Benefit Of Going Green

United States     Gardner: More companies are signing up to going green. Global investors, institutions and corporates are increasingly looking to improve their sustainability profile, according to a report by the Worldwatch Institute released in January. The report, State ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : High-yield Spreads May Widen Further

CORPORATE DEBT       With banks still reluctant to lend, corporations that have delayed borrowing during the recent turmoil in the credit markets may have little choice but to issue debt in the coming months, putting further pressure on ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Cover Story: Asia’s big year

  Asia’s most dynamic economies are amassing huge cash fortunes that they can then wield to increase their power around the world. Will 2008 be the year when we t ruly see the balance of global power shift to the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Tensions Rise With The United States

CHINA       Hong Kong: Focus of tension with the US. China stoked military tension with the United States by denying entry to a number of US naval vessels looking to dock in Hong Kong. In the most publicized ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features : Adapting To Survive

  SECTOR REPORT / PRIVATE EQUITY   Cash-heavy buyout firms are still looking for deals, but the rising cost of borrowing may result in their emulating their smaller private equity cousins.     Just a few months ago there were ...