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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Celebrating 25 Years Of Investment

In April the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) commemorated a quarter-century of history, with president Suma Chakrabarti emphasizing how far the Bank had come since its first investment—to WBK Bank in Poland (now Bank Zachodni WBK).

Country Report

Indonesia Giving Mixed Messages

President Jokowi is a radical departure from Indonesia’s political and military elite, which perhaps explains why he is such a populist leader at home. But foreign investors find him difficult to read.

Award Winners

Internationalization Picks Up Speed

Bank of China, the fourth-largest bank in the world, has been an ener-getic leader in expanding overseas. In an interview with Global Finance, Chen Siqing, the bank’s president, spoke about internationalization efforts and the importance of overseas growth.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Investor Unease Ahead Of Philippines Election

On May 9, voters in the Philippines will elect a new president amid growing concerns over whether the strong legacy of president Benigno Aquino III will continue.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Kashkari Declares War On Big US Banks

US: At 42, he is a former banker, a former bailout czar and a former politician. He wants to persuade the public, from Wall Street to Main Street, that large banks pose a risk to the economic system.The risk is too high, he says, and must be eliminated—surely not a minor feat, not even for one of the presidents of the mighty Federal Reserve.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Kingdom’s Economy Sputters, Austerity Plan Unveiled

Low oil prices are taking a heavy toll on Saudi Arabia’s economy, which is facing even greater austerity under deputy crown prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud’s plans to raise $100 billion a year from subsidy cuts and new levies.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Lifting The Veil On Iranian Banks

We present a rare tour of the newly opened Iranian banking sector. Westerners will be surprised by what they find—in both philosophy and performance—in this long-hidden area of the banking world.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

New US Inversion Rules To Have Impact Abroad

The US Treasury’s latest measure to keep US companies from reincorporating in lower-tax countries is its strongest effort yet to halt so-called “inversions,” and could have far-reaching consequences for multinationals.

Award Winners

Regulation, Diversification, Innovation

Nordea Chief Financial Officer Heikki Ilkka, appointed in December after many years with Ernst &Young, talked with Global Finance editors about how the bank is handling negative interest rates and regulatory challenges, and how it deploys technology to satisfy its customers.

Award Winners

Technology Keeps Customers Happy

PNC Bank’s head of retail banking and chief customer officer, Karen Larrimer, details how to match customer needs with technology.