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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Japan Cuts Corporate Tax To Spur Growth, Investments

Japanapproved new carrot-and-stick tax measures to bring corporate tax down to 25% for companies that raise wages by 3%, and to as low as 20% for those that invest in new technologies such as ICT andinternet-of-things, on Thursday.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

CFO Plans For Tax Holiday Cash: Fast ROI

CFO survey finds roughly half of US companieswould bring back monies stashed offshore and seek to put it in fintech and high-yield investments.
The post-Sibos consensus is that collaborating as partners yields better results in developing technology than battling as competitors.

Award Ceremonies and Events

Post-Sibos 2017 | Teamwork Rules

The post-Sibos consensus is that collaborating as partners yields better results in developing technology than battling as competitors.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Post-Mugabe, Can Zimbabwe Rebuild?

After 37 years of autocratic rule under former President Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe has been left broke. Rebuilding promises to be a long, costly and tough process.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

CVS-Aetna Shows Appeal Of Cross-Sector Mergers

The $69 billion CVS-Aetna deal points to companies working in different industry sectors looking at synergies of merging with one another for improved services, cost advantages, market dominance, profits and more.