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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

All-Stock Deals Plummet In Cheap-Debt Environment

It is a dramatic drop compared not just to the 1990s, when stock-for-stock deals accounted for over half of all mergers, but also to 2016, when the average equaled 23.9% by dollar value.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Will Africa Deliver Growth For GE?

Even as General Electric looks to overhaul its business byselling assets and cutting back oncapital expenditure, it is stepping up its investmentin Africa—Nigeria in particular.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Women CFOs Still A Minority

While the percentage of female CFOs dipped slightly in 2017, more women were internally promoted to the CFO position.


GAAP Gets A Bad Rap

There’s a growing push to replaceGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles with an accounting system that better reflects companies’ finances.


Reader’s Choice | Top 10 Features For 2017

Feature stories on economic evaluation of President Trump's first year in office to those capturing new trends in global trade and finance, fintech, the profession of auditing and global economy, were most popular with Global Finance readers.

Award Ceremonies and Events

Reader’s Choice | Top 5 Award Stories For 2017

Sincethe magazine'slaunchin 1987, Global Financeawards have become a benchmark forexcellence in financial sector verticals such as digital banking, foreign exchange, private bankingand trade finance. Here are the5 awards stories that got the most attention in 2017.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Japan Cuts Corporate Tax To Spur Growth, Investments

Japanapproved new carrot-and-stick tax measures to bring corporate tax down to 25% for companies that raise wages by 3%, and to as low as 20% for those that invest in new technologies such as ICT andinternet-of-things, on Thursday.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

CFO Plans For Tax Holiday Cash: Fast ROI

CFO survey finds roughly half of US companieswould bring back monies stashed offshore and seek to put it in fintech and high-yield investments.