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Editor’s Letter

With the inauguration of President Barack Obama, the United Statesand by default the worldhas entered a new era...


Milestones : Slumping Copper Prices Take Shine Off Growth

CHILE     Chile's president Bachelet: Stimulating economic growth. While high copper prices had maintained Chile’s economy as Latin America’s strongest, it seems the party is over as prices plummet and demand wanes. The South American country, the world’s largest ...


Newsmakers : Economic Gloom Hits Business Confidence

UNITED STATES   As the credit crisis deepens and government measures to kick-start bank lending fall short of the mark, the mood among company CEOs, particularly those with operations in Europe and Asia, is beginning to darken. These are the ...


Features : Roundtable: Treasury & Cash Management

SPONSORED ROUNDTABLE   With credit conditions tightening around the world, businesses are focusing more than ever on effective liquidity management. Global Finance brought together some of the leaders in the treasury and cash management field to discuss current trends and ...


Newsmakers : Correa Steps Up Debt Campaign

Ecuador     Correa: Buying political capital with debt restructuring. Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa has made good on his 2006 presidential campaign promise to default on any foreign debt deemed illegitimate, defaulting on $3.9 billion in global bonds. This marks ...


Newsmakers : Credit Crunch May Be A Myth

United States     Marenzi: Interbank lending assertions are puzzling. A chorus of dissenting voices has emerged that is challenging the widely held belief that interbank lending markets have dried up, commercial lending is being curtailed, and non-financial commercial paper ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Newsmakers : Firms Hoard Cash As Crisis Deepens

<p>GLOBAL     More companies are tightening the screws on customer credit in the wake of the crunch. As the credit crunch continues to wreak havoc in the corporate and financial worlds and shows clear signs of seeping into the ...</p>