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South Korea Engages With North Korea

South Korea’s new overtures to Kim Jong IIare part of a broader regional diplomatic initiative. Moon visited China, a North Korean ally and key trading partner, in December 2017, and called for better South Korea-China relations.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Regulation | Tax-Gap Blues

The Paradise Papers leak prompted yet more indignation about corporate tax avoidance, and cash-strapped governments claim to be tackling the issue. What will it mean for corporates?


Citi | Managing Innovation

Vanessa Colella, head of Citi Ventures and chief innovation officer at Citi, visited Global Finance to discuss integrating innovation into global banking, the role of employees in driving change, and emerging trends in technology and banking.


Czechs, Poles, Seat Private-Sector Prime Ministers

Czech PM Babiš is an outspoken billionaire while the PolishPM, Morawiecki, is more of a technician, whonegotiatedPoland’s accession to EUbefore going on to chair Bank Zachodni WBK, part of the Santander Group.


Ford Inks Alibaba Deal To Push Mobile Strategy

Ford has been lagging behind competitors in emerging technologies for automobiles, including the race for driverless cars, but its appointment of Jim Hackett as CEO last May marked a change in strategy.