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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Plus Ça Change…

RUSSIA     New president, old habits: Russia's overt display of military strength. Dmitry Medvedev was sworn in as president of Russia on May 7—and, according to plan, the next day former president Vladimir Putin became prime minister. The new ...

Award Winners

Features : Annual Survey: Stars Of The New Russia

ANNUAL REPORT / STARS OF THE NEW RUSSIA   Making the most of their newfound spending power, Russia’s consumers are boosting the fortunes of the country’s banks and corporations.   With Russia’s economy fueled by petrodollars, Russian consumers are on ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Putin Prepares For Life After Presidency

RUSSIA     Putin: He may find it hard to play second fiddle. With relations between Russia and the West at post-Cold War lows, US president George Bush met with Russian president Vladimir Putin in early April in Sochi, Russia, ...


Features: Banking on Russia

ANALYSIS Deft maneuvering is helping Russia’s banks dodge the fallout from the credit crunch, but significant risks remain—particularly for smaller banks and their customers.     While the crises at UK mortgage lender Northern Rock and US investment bank Bear ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features: Credit crunch? What credit crunch?

CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE Despite continuing political upheaval, many countries in Central and Eastern Europe are more concerned about reining in their buoyant economies than surviving the global economic downturn.     Although the politics in Warsaw may be "noisy," ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : Turkish Banking And Finance Roundtable 2008

SPONSORED ROUNDTABLE   At a roundtable in Istanbul, Global Finance brought together Turkey’s central banker and other leading figures to discuss the prospects for the country’s economy.   GLOBAL FINANCE: The Turkish government seems to be redoubling its efforts to ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Stocks In Rough Ride

RUSSIA     Khodorkovsky: The jailed former head of Yukos is back in the news. The Russian presidential campaign kicked off in mid-January, with Dmitry Medvedev—who is virtually guaranteed victory in the early March poll thanks to the support of ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Russia Writes Off $12 Billion Iraqi Debt

RUSSIA/IRAQ     Talabani: Russia's decision is a historic turning point. Russia agreed in February to write off $12 billion of Iraqi debt in an apparent effort to help Russian companies including Lukoil to win contracts in Iraq. The debt ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Putins Political Future Becomes Clearer

Russia       Putin: Maintains a tight grip on Russian politics.       After months of uncertainty, the Russian political landscape began to take shape in December. After being anointed by president Vladimir Putin as his successor early ...

Country Report

Features : Power Play

COUNTRY REPORT / RUSSIA Having hand picked his successor as Russian president, Vladimir Putin has assured the country there will be a smooth transition of power. How much power he will retain remains in question.   Oil has filled Russia's ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Plus Ça Change…

RUSSIA       Putin: Backing his friend Dmitry Medvedev's election bid. As widely anticipated, Russian president Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party won the country’s parliamentary elections on December 2, with 63% of the vote. In the weeks running up ...