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Africa 2017 | The Future of Banking Everywhere

In the following pages we explore some of Africa’s contradictions. Eighty percent of Africans are unbanked; at the same time seven of the world’s fastest-growing economies are in this region.


Africa 2017 | Top 25 Companies

Africa is emerging from last year’s slump, but slow growth of its largest economies is impeding recovery for many of its corporates.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Are Emerging Markets Ready To Rebound?

Emerging markets could see funds flowing back to them as central banks unwindquantitative easing and liquidity flows back to emering market assets.


Central Bankers Eye A Return to Normal

The rosier outlook gives central banks a chance to return to more traditional policies after endless cycles of easing. The US Federal Reserve (Fed) is likely to stick to its plan of slowly increasing interest rates, and the European Central Bank (ECB) could follow suit.


The World’s Best Cities to Live In 2017

If all the world is your oyster, where do you want to clam down? Maybe not the world’s most prominent urban centers, based on a Global Finance review of global best city to live in ranking by 3 experts’ work in the field.