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Country Report

Country Report: Angola

ANGOLA: ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY By Dan Keeler Ravaged by a 27-year civil war and buffeted by the recent global financial crisis, Angola has suffered more than its fair share of challenges. Undaunted, its leaders are striving ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Debt: High-Yield Credit Quality Rises

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: CORPORATE DEBT By Denise Bedell After a record year, and four months hovering at around $30 billon in monthly issuance volumes, US high-yield debt issuance declined in December to $21 billion, according to data ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

DR News: Record US Listings for Chinese Firms

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: DR NEWS By Gordon Platt China-based companies listed on US exchanges in record numbers in 2010 and were among the best-performing initial public offerings, although many had trouble holding on to their first-day gains. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DRs: IPOs Smash Quarterly Record

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Denise Bedell It was a benchmark year for the global IPO markets, in more ways than one. In the last quarter of 2010, IPOs broke records in terms of issuance ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

EM News: Equity Markets To See More Growth

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: NEWS By Anita Hawser Emerging market equities look set to enjoy another strong year in 2011 on the back of robust economic growth fueled by domestic consumption and a recovery in exports. "Emerging equities are ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Fast And Loose

COVER STORY: GAIN OR PAIN By Paula L. Green In their headlong rush to set up operations in the fast-growing emerging markets, many Western companies are failing to take full account of the risks involved. The consequences could ...


Focus: Mobile Banking

MOBILE BANKING: CUTTING THE TIES THAT BIND By Denise Bedell Mobile technology could forever change the way that companies manage their physical and financial supply chains. After years in development, mobile technology may be finally closing the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: Dollar Still Main Reserve Currency

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Denise Bedell Contrary to some analysts' expectations, developing countries continue to view the US dollar as the reserve currency of choice, as evidenced by newly allocated official reserves of developing countries—even in ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: M&A Funding – Not All Cash

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Denise Bedell While much has been said about the hoards of cash that companies are holding on their balance sheets, companies are likely to use a blend of financing options, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Mexico: Drug War Dents Economic Recovery

MILESTONES: MEXICO By Antonio Guerrero While Mexico's economy is recovering from its worst recession in 80 years, the spread of drug-related violence is hindering a more dynamic rebound. The drug war has claimed more than 30,000 victims ...


Poland: Consolidation Looms In Banking Industry

NEWSMAKERS: POLAND By Jonathan Gregson Not only does Poland stand alone within the European Union in having delivered GDP growth through every quarter since 2008, but its intrinsically conservative banking system survived the crisis well. Jagieo: Looking ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Regional Report: The Caucasus

COMPETITION IN THE CAUCASUS: THREE'S COMPANY By Justin Keay Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are competing to attract foreign investment. With much of Central and Eastern Europe still mired in a post recession slump, the Caucasian trio may ...