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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Downturn Bites Harder

<p>China     Treasury secretary Paulson and Chinese president Hu vow to fight protectionism. China has increased export tax rebates and depreciated the value of the yuan relative to the US dollar in recent weeks, prompting fears that protectionist pressures ...</p>

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Nigeria Sets Up Credit Bureau

Africa     Africa's airlines are looking to tap new credit lines. The Central Bank of Nigeria issued guidelines for establishing and operating credit bureaus, in a move that will support the development of the country’s credit market by providing ...


Features : After the Storm

BANKING CRISIS FALLOUT Colossal losses by financial institutions have prompted calls for more-effective regulation. Refining the Basel banking rules might provide the answer.     Global crisis: For the biggest names in banking there has been nowhere to hide from ...

Country Report

Features : Country Report : Taiwan

  Policymakers in Taiwan are pulling out all the stops in their response to the global economic slump.     Taiwan's president Ma Ying-jeou: Promoting better relations with China.   Taiwan is an economic success story. The island, despite political ...


Features : Roundtable: Treasury & Cash Management

SPONSORED ROUNDTABLE   With credit conditions tightening around the world, businesses are focusing more than ever on effective liquidity management. Global Finance brought together some of the leaders in the treasury and cash management field to discuss current trends and ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Ethanol Industry Faces Prospect Of Demand Slump

Brazil       Not so sweet: Predicted demand for Brazil's ethanol is falling. Just a year after Petrobras, Brazil’s state-controlled oil company, predicted Brazil would triple its annual ethanol output to around 70 billion liters by 2020, the market ...


Newsmakers : Correa Steps Up Debt Campaign

Ecuador     Correa: Buying political capital with debt restructuring. Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa has made good on his 2006 presidential campaign promise to default on any foreign debt deemed illegitimate, defaulting on $3.9 billion in global bonds. This marks ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Rating Slides As Default Looms

ARGENTINA       President Kirchner makes overtures to avoid debt default. After months of analysts’ warnings that Argentina may be facing a new debt default, Standard & Poor’s agreed. The ratings agency lowered Argentina’s sovereign rating on October 31 ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Cover Story : Capitalizing on the Crisis

  CAPITALIZING ON THE CRISIS RETURN OF THE IMF As crippled nations beat a path to its door, the IMF is enjoying a dramatic return from near-irrelevance. How it wields its revived power and influence will determine its long-term future. ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Banks Continue Consolidation

BRAZIL     Brazil’s banks continued their consolidation trend, with the most recent deal in November creating Latin America’s largest financial group. Itaú, Brazil’s second-largest non-state-owned bank, announced its acquisition of Unibanco, the country’s third-largest, in a stock transaction valued ...