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Features : Opportunity Play

SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS Sovereign wealth funds snap up bargains in one of the biggest financial industry land grabs in history.   Bader Al Sa'ad, head of Kuwait's SWF, helped arrange a huge cash infusion for Citi. To say Citi and ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Israel Loosens Investment Restrictions

ISRAEL     Tel Aviv: Aiming for greater integration with world markets. Israel’s minister of finance Ronnie Bar-On has approved a legislative amendment that will enable foreign portfolio management companies to serve Israeli clients and operate in Israel without the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Mexico Exchange Prepares For A Sell-Off

MEXICO     Mexico's stock exchange: Lining up a $1 billion IPO. After last year’s blowout initial public offering by the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa), which raised $3.6 billion, the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV), the Bovespa’s Mexican counterpart, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers : Taxing Times For A New President

GUATEMALA     Colom: Facing challenges on the fiscal front. Just weeks after being sworn in on January 14 as the new Guatemalan president, Álvaro Colom—the Central American country’s first left-of-center leader since Jacobo Árbenz, who was overthrown in a ...


Cover Story: Banking Bonzana

  China International and domestic banks are spreading the net ever wider in their efforts to bring financial services to China’s increasingly wealthy population.     China has outdone itself. The country’s economy grew by 11.5% in the first three ...


Editor’s Letter: Clamorix for a fix

The story everyone thought would be old news by last November rumbled on through January as more giant US banks fessed up to having shockingly large losses as a result of the subprime mortgage crisis...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Mind The Gap

Brazil       Mantega: Hiking other taxes will make up for shortfall.       With Brazilian legislators scrapping the country’s financial transactions tax (CPMF) in December, the government says it must now plug a 40 billion real ($22 ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Putins Political Future Becomes Clearer

Russia       Putin: Maintains a tight grip on Russian politics.       After months of uncertainty, the Russian political landscape began to take shape in December. After being anointed by president Vladimir Putin as his successor early ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Securities Markets Become More Open

China       Morgan Stanley: Subprime losses have been plugged by China Investment Corp.       China will allow foreign brokerage firms to play stronger roles in the country’s securities markets, according to new guidelines that took effect ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Tata Fires First Shot In Auto Price War

India       Tata Motors' new Nano: Launch triggered a sell-off in India's auto sector.       Tata Motors, one of India’s largest domestic truck and passenger car makers, unveiled a car for India’s domestic market priced at ...


Features : Corporate Users Snared In A Tangled Web

FOCUS / NETWORK SECURITY File-sharing programs are creating security risks for the global finance industry’s computer systems.     Safe at home: Simple precautions can help ensure corporate data security.     Businesses in the global finance industry are waking ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features : Down But Not Out

MARKET FORCES / EQUITY DERIVATIVES Corporations might be wary of employing complex financial instruments in the wake of the credit crunch, but a closer look at the anatomy of the meltdown suggests equity derivatives still present some interesting opportunities.   ...