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Economics, Policy & Regulation


MILESTONES | JAPAN<br /> Japanese prime minister Shinz Abe greeted his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, in late August in the city of Kyoto, where the two leaders toured temples and posed for pictures before returning to Tokyo for four days of diplomatic talks.



AFRICA 2014 | INTRODUCTION<br /> Though Africa has experienced impressive growth for well over a decade now, domestic markets and intraregional economic relations have remained constrained, with national economies driven primarily by mounting foreign demand for the continent’s natural resources and commodity exports.Today, however, things appear to be changing. For one thing, Africa is witnessing the emergence of a middle class.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


MANAGEMENT | DERIVATIVES REGULATION<br /> Nonfinancial corporations that hedge risk by using derivatives not traded on exchanges won an important victory in early September, when US bank regulators agreed to exempt such companies from rules that would have required them to post collateral against their positions.


In The News At Sibos 2014

Inside Sibos | Review<br /> As the dust settles from Sibos 2014, delegates may be asking if they missed anything essential. Here are some of the key announcements to emerge during the event:

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Asian Treasurers Match Strategy To Action

Inside Sibos | Day 3<br /> The increasing sophistication of Asian corporate treasuries to buoy the rapid development of Asian companies is a message that has been growing in resonance in recent years, and it is once again a topic of discussion at this year’s Sibos conference.<br />

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Trade Finance Goes Digital

Inside Sibos | Day 3<br /> This year’s Sibos event is set to see a greater focus on the use of technology to support trade. Since the launch of the Bank Payment Obligation (BPO), and the publication last year of the Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligation (URBPO) by the International Chamber of Commerce, adoption of the new instrument has been gradual—but across the industry there is increasing focus on how technology can be deployed in an area traditionally dominated by paper.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

What Corporates Want

Inside Sibos | Day 2 As this year’s corporate forum at Sibos gets underway, what topics are corporations particularly focusing on? This year’s line-up includes a discussion around corporate-to-bank connectivity and the associated challenges.


Counterparty Risk In The Spotlight

Inside Sibos | Day 1<br /> What has really changed since the global financial crisis first hit? Four years after the Dodd Frank Act was enacted in the US to help stem another bank crisis, one of the primary causes of the meltdown remains a serious concern.


Treasury Technology Branches Out

Inside Sibos | Day 1<br /> Having the right technology is a key requirement for corporate treasurers—but increasingly companies are looking for their technology vendors to provide additional services beyond the system itself. The evolution of technology is set to be one of the key focus points at this year’s Sibos corporate forum.


The Rise Of Intra-Day Liquidity Monitoring

Key topics at SWIFT’s Sibos conference in Boston will include the growing adoption of multibanking solutions—not only by the world’s largest corporations, but also by midcap companies, according to Andre Casterman, global head of corporate and supply chain markets at SWIFT.


Treasury & Cash Management 2014

Global Finance presents the fifth annual Technology & Treasury Management Supplement and eBook — a powerful resource that will explore the ways that innovative companies, banks and individuals are driving progress and change in the Treasury Management arena.