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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Telecom, Tech Deals Fuel Merger Boom In India

Political stability, a fast-growing economy and a sustained program of economic reformsare among the reasons for the feverish pace of takeover activity in the south Asian republic.

Award Winners

Trade Finance: Delving Deep Into Data

Chris Laws, global head of product development, compliance and supply solutions for Dun & Bradstreet, explains how new technologies are providing ever deeper analysis to deliver reputational and financial risk mitigation

Country Report

Saudi Arabia’s Half-Court Press

The Saudi kingdom seems to be on a path of radical change, broadening options for women and opening to new sectors, but a ruling-family schism could derail the effort.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Foreign Exchange | Euro Batters Dollar

The dollar tumbled to a three-year, trade-weighted low in January, even as the 10-year US Treasury note yield rose above 2.6% for the first time since 2014. This drop confounded analysts, who forecasted a stronger dollar based on expectations ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

World’s Best Trade Finance Providers 2018

From Bigger Yields To Better Yields:<span style="font-size: 14px;">Lively competition from strong and agile smaller banks is driving big trade-finance providers to focus on profitability rather than market share.</span>


Protestors Demand Change In Iran’s Economic Priorities

The situation came to a head late last year when the Iran government proposed an austere budget for 2018. Subsidies on basic goods and services for the poor were subject to proposed cuts, as fuel prices were set to rise by as much as 50%.