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Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC): Change Is In The Air

REGIONAL SUPERSECTION The six nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)—Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE—have a common need to adjust to a changing global oil market as a result of the surge in US oil ...


US: Recovery Slow Despite GDP Revisions

MILESTONES By Gordon Platt Rewriting economic history going back to 1929, the Commerce department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) increased the size of the US economy by $560 billion. That is the equivalent of the output of the ...

Award Winners

Awards: World’s Best Subcustodians 2013

<p>SAFETY FIRST By Gordon Platt Safeguarding client assets has never been more important in this era of global economic uncertainty —and even subcustodians are finding themselves increasingly in the spotlight as a result of sovereign and commercial pressures. ...</p>


Equity: Companies Raise More DR Capital

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt The pace of capital raising using depositary receipts has accelerated sharply from last year, and the pipeline of future issues is strong, DR bankers say. Much of the recent activity ...


FX: Dollar Rebounds As Fed Debates QE Tapering

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Gordon Platt Volatility has returned to the currency markets, as participants weigh the likelihood that the Federal Reserve could dial back on its purchases of bonds if the US economy improves. A relatively ...


M&A: US, China M&A Activity Heating Up

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt Shanghui International, China’s biggest pork producer, agreed to pay $4.7 billion to acquire Virginia-based Smithfield Foods, the world’s largest pork producer. If the deal succeeds, it should be the biggest ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Newsmakers: Ambassador Leads Charm Offensive On Trade

NEWSMAKERS: ECUADOR By Gordon Platt Five days after Ecuador’s left-leaning president Rafael Correa was inaugurated for a third and final four-year term, the country’s ambassador to the US, Nathalie Cely, addressed a group of business leaders and investors at ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Subcustodians 2013: Regional Winners

By Gordon Platt NORTH AMERICA Citi Lee Waite: The rules of the game are not static Citi is the largest subcustodian in the US, the world’s biggest subcustody market. The bank also has the largest proprietary network in the industry, ...


Country Report: Egypt

WAITING FOR THE RENAISSANCE By Gordon Platt Egypt’s elections promised much in terms of building a modern and democratic state. But the realities of governing for the Muslim Brotherhood are proving more difficult than initially thought—and some economic ...