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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Net Benfits

Brazil             President Lula: Basking in Brazil's new net creditor status.   After holding its ranking as the world’s largest emerging markets debtor for several decades, Brazil in January became a net foreign creditor for ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Focus: Nafta : Terms Of Trade

14 Years On With Nafta once again coming to the forefront of water-cooler discussions as a result of the political ping-pong between Democratic presidential hopefuls in the US, we look back at the development of the ground-breaking free trade agreement ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Focus: Nafta : Who’s Who In Nafta

Nafta Focus Global Finance names the most influential and important people in Nafta commerce and finance. Gastón Azcárraga Andrade President, Consejo Mexicano de Hombres de Negocios, and CEO, Grupo Posadas Mexico Gastón Azcárraga Andrade has been CEO of Grupo Posadas, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Panama Pushes For Investment Grade

Panama     Digging in: Work is now under way on the $5.25 billion expansion of the Panama Canal. Although Brazil appears poised to become Latin America’s next investment-grade-rated sovereign, a tiny country may beat the giant to the punch. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Dollar’s fall since 2000 could be near an end

FOREIGN EXCHANGE Analysts are beginning to watch for signs of a solid bottom for the dollar, following its long-term decline since September 2000. The dollar’s multi-year decline is nearing an end, and the greenback already may have hit bottom against ...


Cover Story : Brazil Banking & Finance

BRAZIL BANKING & FINANCE Local banks’ stranglehold on the Brazilian market is coming under threat from acquisition-hungry international banks and investors.   Brazilian central bank governor Henrique Meirelles's steady hand has helped instill growing confidence in prospects for the country's ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Cover Story : Continental Shift

LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL REPORT Latin American governments’ attempts to gain more control over their countries’ economic fortunes are having far-reaching effects on international corporations doing business in the region.       Left in charge: Brazilian president Lula da Silva ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Cover Story : Mexico

MEXICO Mexico’s recent economic progress could be derailed by turmoil in the US economy and the outcome of the US presidential election.     High aspirations: Mexico is hoping its economy can resist a US downturn.     The last ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : High Metals Prices Boost Peru Miner

COMPANY TO WATCH: COMPANIA DE MINAS BUENAVENTURA/PERU Compañía de Minas Buenaventura, Peru’s largest publicly traded precious metals mining company, is basking in record high prices for much of its output. Buenaventura operates seven mines in Peru and holds controlling interests ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Miner Eyes Record-Breaking Deal

BRAZIL     Rock solid: Vale is thought to be ready to bid for Xstrata. Brazilian mining giant Vale (formerly CVRD) is in talks to acquire Swiss mining company Xstrata, reportedly for $90 billion. The deal would be the single ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Drs Moving From Strength To Strength

Global Equity/drs Records galore toppled in the depositary receipt market in 2007, and DR liquidity, prices and capital raising likely will continue to be strong in 2008, as growth continues in the big emerging market economies of Brazil, Russia, India ...