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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: US Shale-Gas Boom Attracts FDI

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt Foreign buyers accounted for 76% of the total value of US oil and gas mergers and acquisitions in the third quarter of this year, with 22 deals valued at ...

Award Winners

Safest Emerging Markets Banks 2011

ASIAN DOMINANCE By Andrew Cunningham Global Finance ’s first annual ranking of the Top 50 Safest Banks in the Emerging Markets. The ranks of the safest banks in the emerging markets are dominated by Asia and ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

The 10%+ Club

COVER STORY: THE 10% + CLUB By Laurence Neville Predicting what countries will be the next growth outperformers is tricky at best. Those firms that back the winners will undoubtedly profit, and the countries that make the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Company To Watch: Alfa / Mexico

ALFA GROUP GROWS THROUGH ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt Monterrey-based Alfa, one of Mexico’s largest industrial groups, has four business lines, comprising petrochemicals, aluminum auto parts, processed food and telecommunications. Earlier this year it became the sole shareholder ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

EM Infrastructure Needs Triple By 2030

MILESTONES: EMERGING MARKETS By Gordon Platt Demand for infrastructure in emerging markets will reach $1 trillion annually through 2030, triple the level of the previous two decades, with Asia accounting for the lion’s share, according to a study ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Supplement: China’s Lofty Ambitions For The Renminbi

CHINA’S LOFTY AMBITIONS FOR THE RENMINBI By Gordon Platt The Chinese government continues to make strides in internationalizing its currency. Qu, HSBC: Domestic demand should support 8.5% to 9% growth in the coming quarters Every long march ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Supplement: Currency Wars: Changing Tactics

CURRENCY WARS By Gordon Platt Battle Tactics Change With Global Slowdown. Chandler, Brown Brothers Harriman: The lingering US and European crises are casting a pall over global capital markets When the global economy seemed securely on track ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Supplement: Dollar Reserve Currency Still Reigns

SAME OLD, SAME OLD By Denise Bedell The US dollar will remain the world’s reserve currency of choice as long as there is no credible alternative. There have long been calls for a new currency to take ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Supplement: Introduction: Déjà Vu All Over Again

DÉJÀ VU ALL OVER AGAIN Some analysts say that 2011 is beginning to look a lot like 2008, with Europe’s debt crisis morphing into a bank solvency crisis with global ramifications. So far, the foreign exchange market—the world’s ...