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Award Winners

Best Investment Banks 2012: Country Awards

By Michael Shari COUNTRY AWARDS - NORTH AMERICA CANADA BMO Capital Markets Thanks to its strength in mining and energy, BMO Capital Markets commanded a 20.1% share of Canada’s M&A market last year. That was more than any other bank, comprising ...

Award Winners

Awards: Best Investment Banks 2012

ANNUAL SURVEY AND AWARDS— REDEFINING SUCCESS By Michael Shari Global investment banks and strong local banks make the list in our annual awards. For an investment bank, success has long been defined as staying true to one’s ...


Nigerian Candidate Breaks The World Bank Mold

NEWSMAKERS: GLOBAL By Luca Ventura When Robert Zoellick announced in February that he would leave the World Bank in June, at the expiration of his five-year term as president, initial speculation over his possible successor revolved around the usual ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Company To Watch: Zambeef Products / Zambia

EXPANDING PRODUCT LINES AT ZAMBEEF By Gordon Platt Zambeef Products of Zambia is one of the largest agribusinesses in Africa, with more than 4,000 employees. In June 2011, it became the first Zambian company to list on the London ...

Country Report

Country Report: Morocco

TURNING POINT By Michael Shari One of Africa's most vibrant economies is in the midst of a high-stakes political transition that will determine whether it continues on a path of reform or contends with the type of backlash that shook ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Awards: Best Trade Finance Banks 2012

ANNUAL SURVEY AND AWARDS: LIQUIDITY AND REGULATIONS SQUEEZE TRADE FINANCE By Gordon Platt The global economy is threatened by a shortage of financing for international trade, as banks reassess their business models. The availability and cost of ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DRs: Depositary Receipt Pipeline Full

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt Depositary receipt investors pushed trading to a record high last year, demonstrating the continued popularity of DRs, despite challenging market conditions. While the amount of capital raised by corporate ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

EM News: New ‘Tigers’ Will Dominate Economic Growth

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: NEWS By Gordon Platt The BRIC countries—Brazil, Russia, India and China—now contribute more than half of the world's economic growth, while the broader emerging markets provide more than 70% of current global growth. Growth ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Protests Rock Nigeria After Gas Subsidies Are Pulled

MILESTONES: NIGERIA By Michael Shari The government of Nigeria took a calculated political risk when it removed gasoline subsidies on January 1. Paying at the pump: Nigeria ends gasoline subsidies The sudden move more than doubled local ...


Sector Report: Middle East Telecoms

SOWING SEEDS OF CHANGE By Anita Hawser The Arab Spring heralded the beginnings of reform and showed the growing importance of social media in enabling communal action. The telecoms sector in the Middle East has been forever changed ...