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Milestones : Europe’s Ipo Market Slumps

EUROPE     Blowout: EDP Renováveis' stock tumbled more than 20% after its IPO With equity capital markets bankers in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) market focused on massive rights issues to recapitalize their peers in recent months, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features: Credit crunch? What credit crunch?

CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE Despite continuing political upheaval, many countries in Central and Eastern Europe are more concerned about reining in their buoyant economies than surviving the global economic downturn.     Although the politics in Warsaw may be "noisy," ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Focus: Nafta : A Controversial Treaty

Multinationals And Nafta Much lambasted for its effects on the poor, Nafta has proved successful at opening the North American markets—and promoted corporate growth in the process.     As the US presidential primary campaigns neared their conclusion in March, ...

Award Winners

Features : Central Banker Report Cards 2007

ANNUAL SURVEY / CENTRAL BANKER REPORT CARDS Individually, many of the world’s leading central bankers seemed to be in disarray after the subprime debacle began to unfold in mid-2007. As a group, though, they acted with remarkably unity. The central ...


Features : Seeking Out Growth

REGIONAL REPORT / NORDIC BANKING As Nordic banks look further outside their home markets for growth, the rewards—and also the risks—are increasing. Over the past few years, banks in the Nordic region have benefited from highly favorable economic conditions across ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Cover Story : Living On The Edge

CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE   The EU’s newest members struggle to balance growth with stability.   Prague's stock exchange is one of many in the region that are attracting foreign investors. Despite recent political maneuverings by Russian president Vladimir Putin, ...


Cover Story : United Front

CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE Turbulent times:Demonstrators in Romania in 1989 seize control of a tank Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : The Bank of New York

GLOBAL CUSTODY BUYERS GUIDE Global Finance presents its annual sponsored guide to the leading providers in the global custody market....

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover Story : Crisis? What crisis?

After a decade of tumultuous upheavals in the 1990s, the currency markets in the 21st century have been remarkably calm....

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features : Borrowing Requirements

SECTOR REPORT/ SECURITIES LENDING Hedge funds are driving rapid growth in demand for securities lending in global markets. Van Grinsven:...