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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestone: Moscow’S Stock Exchange Goes Public

MILESTONERUSSIA By Udayan Gupta The Russians are taking a page out of the Dutch East India Company’s playbook of 1602. In mid-February Russia recapitalized the Moscow Stock Exchange by selling $1 billion of shares in an IPO of the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmaker: Turkey’s PM Gives EU Ultimatum Over Membership

NEWSMAKER TURKEY By Valentina Pasquali Conveying the feelings of a large swath of the Turkish population, which is increasingly tired of the stalled accession negotiations with the European Union, prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan recently threatened to abandon ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover: The Maze Of Global M&A

THE MAZE OF GLOBAL M&A By Udayan Gupta Cross-border M&A is once again on the rise. But completing a successful deal is increasingly complex and fraught with political, and other, risks. At first glace, it seemed like ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Debt: Companies Rush To Issue Bonds

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: CORPORATE DEBT By Gordon Platt Those investors reaching for higher yields in a low-interest-rate environment propelled bond markets around the world to new highs in 2012, but analysts don’t expect the party to continue forever. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Equity: Global IPO Market Shrinks

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY / DRS By Gordon Platt Global initial public offerings declined 29% in 2012 to $117 billion, reflecting steep declines in IPO issuance in Hong Kong and China, according to Thomson Reuters. On ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Newsmaker: Belka Navigates Choppy Economic Waters in Poland

NEWSMAKERS: POLAND By Justin Keay Poland’s central bank governor, Marek Belka, marked the start of the New Year with an interview to a leading business newspaper in which he claimed Poland had experienced “the perfect slowdown” rather than the slump ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Regional Focus Caucasus

BEYOND OLD BOUNDARIES By Justin Keay Oil wealth, a favorable location and buoyant economic growth have thrust Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia onto the international stage. However, regional conflicts, political tensions and corruption are never far away. “The ...

Award Winners

Trade Finance: Regional Winners

By Gordon Platt REGIONAL WINNERS AMERICAS Citi With its extensive presence in the US, Canada and Latin America, Citi is the largest service provider for private-labeled letters of credit and open account transactions. The bank’s global footprint enables it to ...

Award Winners

Best FX Providers: Regional Winners

By Gordon Platt BEST FOREIGN EXCHANGE PROVIDERS: REGIONAL WINNER NORTH AMERICA Citi Citi’s foreign exchange operations, CitiFX, had a very good year in 2012, which marked the bank’s 200th anniversary. Its FX volume continued to expand rapidly, and it gained ...