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Features : Changing The Game

SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS With sovereign wealth funds rapidly becoming one of the most powerful forces in global finance, one key question has emerged: Should they be feared or revered? With the subprime-induced credit crunch causing stocks of financial giants such ...

Country Report

Features : The Wild East

RUSSIA Russia’s greatest strength could also turn out to be its biggest weakness.   Skyscrapers go up as some of Russia’s surplus is invested in infrastructure projects Oil has been kind to Russia. In the past few years, as world ...


Newsmakers : Miliband Urges EU To Open Door To More New Members

UNITED KINGDOM     Miliband: The European Union should ontinue to expand to the east The United Kingdom’s foreign secretary, David Miliband, says that the European Union should gradually expand further into Eastern Europe, including Russia, as well as into ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : China Unleashes Ipos To Soak Up Liquidity

GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS     China has approved a series of major IPOs in recent weeks in an attempt to cool its soaring stock markets by flooding them with a growing supply of new issues. The country’s main Shanghai index has ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Foreign Telecommunications Companies Embark

INDIA     India calling: Global telecom firms muscle in on a fast-growing market. Following the recent acquisition of Indian telecom company Hutchinson Essar by Vodafone Group in May 2007 for $11 billion, Russian telecom company Sistema’s acquisition of a ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Putin Unveils His Power Play

RUSSIA     Putin’s deft maneuvering will almost certainly see him retaining power In the second political bombshell in three weeks—following the surprise mid-September appointment of the obscure Victor Zubkov to replace prime minister Mikhail Fradkov—Russian president Vladimir Putin in ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets : Study Says Dr Programs Boost Share Prices Of EM

DR NEWS   Companies based in emerging market countries enjoy higher domestic share prices and improved home-market liquidity one year after opening a DR program, according to a study released in October by UK-based Oxford Metrica, an independent research firm. ...


Features : Buyout Or Sellout?

FOCUS / CANADA FOR SALE   The buyout boom of Canadian companies is stirring intense controversy and throwing a harsh spotlight on the role of corporate executives.   As the selloff of Canada’s biggest and best-known companies reaches record levels, ...


Features : The Business Of Growth

SPONSORED ROUNDTABLE As they expand their own businesses, clients are demanding increasingly sophisticated services from their global custodians.   GLOBAL FINANCE: How has the recent market volatility affected global custodians?   JAY MARTIN , senior vice president, global custody regional ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : China, Russia Compete For Biggest Ipo Of Year

GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS China is likely to have the year’s biggest initial public offering for the second year in a row, although there remains a chance that Russia will beat it out. As Global Finance went to press, China Construction Bank ...