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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Georgia: Young Guns Now Riding Herd

Over the past year, Georgia has undergone a major political face-lift. Since the Georgian Dream coalition, led by billionaire businessman Bidzina Ivanishvili, won parliamentary elections in October 2012, a cadre of relatively young and inexperienced politicians has risen to the government’s top posts.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Slovenia Prospers Against The Odds

Despite recurrent anti-government protests and corruption scandals, Slovenia, the tiny Adriatic republic of just over two million, ranks as the 24th-most-prosperous country in the world, according to the annual Legatum Institute Prosperity Index, which ranks 142 countries by criteria like entrepreneurship and opportunity and personal freedom as well as economy.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

The Two Faces Of Africa

Africa continues to outperform other emerging markets, but not all of its 54 countries are moving at the same pace when it comes to political, economic and social developments.


World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2013

<em style="font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;">Global Finance<span style="font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;">magazine has named the World’s Best Foreign ExchangeProviders 2014.</span>

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Is the US really open for business?

A welcome sign (Photo: Aaron Pruzaniec) The Great Recession, along with a changing global economic landscape, has led leaders in...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Note to Putin: Scrap the Scrappage Fee

Putin: Gaga for Lada (photo: Heres an incredibly important piece of advice for Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin:...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

BRICs Sink In Change Ranking

MILESTONES By Paula L Green It doesn’t seem to matter how rich a country may be. Or the number of...