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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DRs: Russia, Mexico Depositary Receipts

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS   By Gordon Platt   Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, raised $5 billion in a secondary share sale in London and Moscow in September that had been delayed for more than a year because of unfavorable ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Supplement: The Renminbi As A Reserve Currency

THE RENMINBI GOES GLOBAL   By Gordon Platt   Pressure from BRIC countries for a new international reserve currency to replace the dollar is growing.   China, the world’s leading trading nation, would like to reap some of the benefits ...


Readers Comments

A WORD FROM THE EDITOR We received the following letter from the Bank of Korea press office. We are not surprised that some of our features generate controversy. We affirm our right to express an editorial stance based on our ...

Country Report

Taiwan Seeks New Growth Opportunities

THE TIES THAT BIND   By Arthur Clennam   Economic forces are subtly improving prospects for Taiwanese companies seeking new markets in China.   An ancient folk story from Taiwan goes something like this: A frog lives for years in ...

Award Winners


Global Finance Magazine Grades theWorld’s Top Central Bankers 2012 New York, August 23, 2012 – Global Finance magazine has named...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Foreign Exchange

CURRENCY CRISES AND CURRENCY WARS   By Gordon Platt   FX has withstood many crises, including speculative attacks on the British pound, the Mexican peso crisis, the Thai baht crisis and, more recently, a euro under strain and a potential threat ...


Top 25 Lists: 25 Ideas That Changed The World

EVOLUTION   By Laurence Neville   Perhaps the defining characteristic of 2012—in contrast to 1987 when Global Finance launched—is the interconnectedness of the world.   Globalization spreads ideas and connects markets Those in the US now have more in common with ...