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India And Indonesia: Going Cold Turkey

The prospect of US Fed “tapering” is still taking its toll on Indonesia and India, as both nations face mounting deficits and international pressure for structural reform.


World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2013

<em style="font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;">Global Finance<span style="font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;">magazine has named the World’s Best Foreign ExchangeProviders 2014.</span>


Central Banker Report Cards 2013

‘A’ FOR EFFORT, ‘B-’ FOR RESULTS By Antonio Guerrero, Anita Hawser and Gordon Platt Global Finance presents its annual report on the performance of the world’s central bank governors. There are a lot of new faces among ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Salon: Conrad Saldanha

GOING DOMESTIC By Vanessa Drucker Global Finance sat down with Conrad Saldanha, portfolio manager, emerging markets equities, at asset management firm Neuberger Berman, to discuss the future prospects for global emerging markets. Global Finance: Emerging markets have ...


Awards: Best Internet Banks—Round 1

ANNUAL SURVEY — THE PIONEERS By Adam Rombel In the first of a two-part series, Global Finance identifies the top online corporate and consumer banks by country and regionally by product or service category. Global Finance is ...


Equity: IPO Markets Gain Momentum

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS By Gordon Platt The global market for initial public offerings continued at a quick pace in early August, led by the US and the Asia-Pacific region, according to Renaissance Capital. Sprouts Farmers Market, which operates ...


Frontier Markets Focus: Cambodia

<p><strong>THE CONTENDER</strong><br /> Cambodia is emerging as a key investment destination—and potential consumer market—for companies focused on Southeast Asia. After more than a decade of 6%-plus growth—with just one hiccup during the global crisis in 2009—this nation of 15 million people has begun attracting serious interest.</p>