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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Foreign Exchange

CURRENCY CRISES AND CURRENCY WARS   By Gordon Platt   FX has withstood many crises, including speculative attacks on the British pound, the Mexican peso crisis, the Thai baht crisis and, more recently, a euro under strain and a potential threat ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Insurance & Risk Management

BEHIND EVERY CLOUD...   By Paula Green   Financial scandals, earthquakes, hurricanes, terrorist attacks and tsunamis generated some important lessons for the worlds of insurance and risk management. The challenge now is coming to grips with a world where vulnerabilities are expanding. ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Top 25 Lists: 25 Events That Rocked The World

REVOLUTION   By Laurence Neville   The scale of the crisis that has engulfed much of the world since 2008, which—like a virus—has mutated from a financial sector crisis to an economic crisis to a sovereign debt crisis, is so great ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Words Of Wisdom: Channa De Silva, LR Global

PEARL OF THE INDIAN OCEAN   By Kim Iskyan   Channa de Silva heads up LR Global Sri Lanka Asset Management, a top Sri Lankan private equity firm. He was previously CEO of the country's Securities Exchange Commission and executive ...

Award Winners

Awards: World’s Best Subcustodians 2012

NEW HORIZONS By Gordon Platt With every new regulation that hits global trust and custody banks, a new service is born for subcustodians. Keeping up is expensive and challenging, but nonetheless it is a good time to be ...

Award Winners

Winners’ Circle: Subcustodians

REIGNING SUPREME By Kathryn Tully Global Finance evaluates the Best of the Best Subcustodians in The Winners' Circle: An ongoing look at the top awards winners over the magazine's 25-year history, launched as part of our 25th Anniversary ...

Award Winners


Global FinanceannouncesThe Winners’ CircleA ranking of the Top Winners of our Annual Awards over the magazine’s 25-year history NEW YORK, June...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cash Management: Supply Chain Finance

THE NEW SILK ROAD By Anita Hawser Supply chain finance is becoming a critical tool in funding fast-growing Southern corridor trade. The ancient Silk Road, one of the world’s oldest trade routes, increased the importance of Southern ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Regional Focus: Southeast Asia

ASIAN PEARLS By Denise Bedell Three pearls of Southeast Asia are beginning to glow with their own unique luminescence. Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines are increasingly on the radar of international investors and corporations. Red Hook, Brooklyn, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

DR News: Thai Firms Build Exposure With Unsponsored ADRs

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: DR NEWS By Gordon Platt BNY Mellon set up unsponsored American depositary receipt (ADR) programs for two Thailand-based companies in December, Thai Airways International, the national carrier of Thailand, and BEC World, a television broadcasting ...