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Award Winners


Global Finance Magazine Grades theWorld’s Top Central Bankers 2012 New York, August 23, 2012 – Global Finance magazine has named...

Award Winners

Awards: World’s Best Subcustodians 2012

NEW HORIZONS By Gordon Platt With every new regulation that hits global trust and custody banks, a new service is born for subcustodians. Keeping up is expensive and challenging, but nonetheless it is a good time to be ...

Award Winners

Winners’ Circle: Subcustodians

REIGNING SUPREME By Kathryn Tully Global Finance evaluates the Best of the Best Subcustodians in The Winners' Circle: An ongoing look at the top awards winners over the magazine's 25-year history, launched as part of our 25th Anniversary ...


The Fate Of Europe In The Balance

NEWSMAKERS: FRANCE By Luca Ventura French president-elect François Hollande is a flag-bearer for adding growth incentives to a European fiscal agreement, rather than just doling out austerity measures. Hollande elated at defeating Sarkozy Photo Credit : SKPHOTOGRAPHY / ...

Award Winners


Global FinanceannouncesThe Winners’ CircleA ranking of the Top Winners of our Annual Awards over the magazine’s 25-year history NEW YORK, June...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

CEE: Liberal Markets And the Crisis

A REGION IN TRANSITION By Vanessa Drucker Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, former Iron Curtain countries have embarked on a long road toward liberal market economies. Since the 1990s—during their accession to the European Union ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: Sudden Currency Moves And Hedging

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Gordon Platt The euro’s surprising rise early this year, even as the European Central...