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Q&A with ACI Worldwide Financial Fraud Solution Specialist, Jay Floyd

ACI Worldwide's Fraud Strategy & Solutions specialist Jay Floyd spoke with Global Finance Editor Andrea Fiano on the sideline of Sibos 2017 regarding the massive rise in financial fraud across the world and how ACI is using machine learning technology to identify behavior patterns to detect and minimize fraud.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

MNCs Snap Up Organic Food Firms in Brazil

Brazil's healthy food and drinksmarket, now the sixth biggest in the world, is becoming a magnet for global food giants like Nestle and Unilever.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

House Excise Tax Troubles Corporate CFOs

Companies are concerned about the vague language of the bill about the applicability of the tax, and the fact that bilateral tax treaties, designed to avoid double taxation, will not function well under these circumstances.


Q&A with Manuel Jesus Bautista, Governor Central Bank of Honduras

ManuelJesus Bautista, Governor, Central Bank of Honduras won an “A” grade in Global Finance’s annual Central Banker Report Cards 2017. He spoke with magazine editor Andrea Fiano about the growth prospects for Honduras' economy and how the country could see an increased rate of inflation for 2017.


Q&A with Governor, Central Bank of Dominican Republic

Hector Valdez Albizu, Governor, Central Bank of Dominican Republic,spokewith Global Finance magazine editor Andrea Fiano about the country's fiscal and monetary policies, relations with the IMF and the road ahead for Dominican Republic's economy.