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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Boom-Bust Commodities Cycle Could Test Mongolia’s Fiscal Mettle

MILESTONES: MONGOLIA   By Arthur Clennam   While the rest of Asia is slowing down, Mongolia is too, but by an entirely different playbook. Stoked by lucrative mining discoveries, Mongolia pushed out a blistering 17.5% growth rate in 2011-one of the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cross-Border Dealmaker Seeks To Exit Indonesian Deal

NEWSMAKERS: EUROPE/INDONESIA   By Udayan Gupta   Nathaniel Rothschild’s Indonesian mining deal in 2010 was seen as a portent of how such cross-border deals could be done.     Rothschild (L) and Bakrie CEO Bobby Umar in happier days Thirty ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Review: Feeding Growth

NOURISHING GROWTH   By Laurence Neville   Despite slowing growth in the BRIC countries, emerging markets generally continue their ascent. Although they have made fewer headlines than usual over the past year, developing countries have experienced some pivotal, uplifting moments—both ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Ford Grooms CEO Successor

NEWSMAKERS: US   By Valentina Pasquali   Ford Motor Company recently unveiled a two-year succession plan geared toward a full management reshuffle by 2014. The centerpiece of this arrangement was the appointment of Mark Fields as chief operating officer, effective from ...


Hungarian Banks’ Lending Capacity Reduced By Backtrack

MILESTONES: HUNGARY   By Paul Mackintosh   The Hungarian government threw the country’s banking sector into disarray in mid-October by reneging on an agreement with local banks to halve from 2013 the crisis levy imposed on them.   Matolcsy blames EU ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Investors Wary In Run-Up to Kenya’s Presidential Election

NEWSMAKERS: KENYA   By Dan Keeler   Nervousness about Kenya’s March 2013 general election is prompting international investors to put their investment plans on hold, says Musalia Mudavadi, one of the leading candidates in the presidential race.   Mudavadi: Kenya’s ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Investors, Not Banks, Will Feel Brunt Of Tobin Tax

MILESTONES: EU   By Anita Hawser   The proposed Tobin Tax, or financial transaction tax (FTT), is a political hot potato that is being kicked around by various European countries in the wake of the global financial crisis as a means ...


Polls And Stats: Labor Productivity

Those countries that adapt well to changing economic environments and embrace new developments are more likely to boast high productivity, according to think tank The Conference Board of Canada. During the crisis in 2008 and 2009, OECD productivity contracted by ...


Safe Bet In Visa CEO Transition Could Backfire

NEWSMAKERS: US   By Valentina Pasquali   With electronic payments gaining favor among consumers, credit-card giant Visa is enjoying high profits and a positive outlook for long-term growth.   It is no surprise, then, that the world’s largest payments network ...


Salon: David Kirkpatrick, Techonomy

ERADICATING THE HIERARCHY   By Vanessa Drucker   In this month’s Salon, Global Finance sits down with David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect. As founder and CEO of Techonomy, he hosts conferences that illuminate the growing connection between technology, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Shining a Light on Insurers

MILESTONES: GLOBAL   By Joel Kranc   In the wake of the Great Recession, the G20 nations tasked themselves with creating stronger regulatory guidelines for the banking sector that would, hopefully, prevent future meltdowns like the one seen in 2007-2008. Part ...


WTO Entry Offers Legal, Regulatory Benefits To Laos

MILESTONES: LAOS   By Thomas Clouse   The Lao People’s Democratic Republic will take the final step in its 15-year campaign to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) this month when the country’s legislature ratifies its membership agreement.   Laotian trade ...