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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Indian Airline Industry Opens To International Buyers

MILESTONES: INDIA By Valentina Pasquali It's been rough going for India's airline industry recently. Photo Credit: CHRISTOPHER PARYPA / SHUTTERSTOCK.COM High fuel prices, the global economic downturn and cutthroat competition for the domestic market have burdened carriers ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Ma Wins A Second Term In Tight Taiwanese Presidential Race

NEWSMAKERS: TAIWAN By Thomas Clouse Ma Ying-jeou will serve a second term as president of Taiwan after winning 51.6% of the vote in the January election, defeating his closest competitor, Tsai Ing-wen, by less than six percentage points. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Salon: James Rickards, Policy Weakness

SEEKING OUT VULNERABILITIES By Vanessa Drucker Global Finance sat down with James Rickards, senior managing partner at boutique alternative investment firm Tangent Capital Partners and author of Currency Wars: The Making Of The Next Global Crisis . ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

US Foreign Investor Visas Get New Lease On Life

MILESTONES: UNITED STATES By Valentina Pasquali Struggling with a sagging real estate market and a weak economic recovery, the US has been revamping its efforts to attract foreign investors. For example, the current administration is pumping new life into ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Central Bank Independence Is Under Threat

MILESTONES: HUNGARY By Paula Green As if a weakening currency, surging public debt and three downgrades to junk bond status since November weren't enough to dissuade investors from sinking money into Hungary, they now have to deal with ...


Cover Story: EUROPE 2020

AFTER THE TURMOIL: WHAT COMES NEXT? By Jonathan Gregson, Justin Keay and Vanessa Drucker How the European Union will look in 2020 is unclear. Whether it will see tighter union, a tiered eurozone, or will cease to exist ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Global Salon: Ian Bremmer, Eurasia

NO HAND AT THE HELM By Paula Green As part of its Salon series, Global Finance sat down on January 11 with Ian Bremmer, president and founder of political risk analysis firm Eurasia Group, to discuss increasing geopolitical ...


Hildebrand Out At SNB After Wife’s FX Trading Binge

NEWSMAKERS: SWITZERLAND By Valentina Pasquali In the midst of Europe's sovereign debt crisis, a scandal hit the beleaguered continent's financial system in January. Hildebrand forced out of Swiss Central Bank role The head of Switzerland's central bank, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Mezouar Takes His Post As Opposition Leader

NEWSMAKERS: MOROCCO By Michael Shari Minister until recently in the reigning government's cabinet in Morocco, Salaheddine Mezouar is now the official leader of the opposition party in the country's parliament. Making his vote count: As opposition leader, ...


New Year, New Fed With Rates Forecasts And Clear Targets

MILESTONES: UNITED STATES By Gordon Platt The Federal Reserve has found a new way to communicate its intentions to the markets. It will publish forecasts for the federal funds rate, the key short-term interest rate under its direct ...


Passera Faces Tough Job To Win Over Italian Parliament

NEWSMAKERS: ITALY By Paula Green Ready or not, as minister of economic development, infrastructure and transport for the newly-formed government of prime minister Mario Monti, Italian banker-turned-bureaucrat Corrado Passera will be honing his political skills this year. ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Protests Rock Nigeria After Gas Subsidies Are Pulled

MILESTONES: NIGERIA By Michael Shari The government of Nigeria took a calculated political risk when it removed gasoline subsidies on January 1. Paying at the pump: Nigeria ends gasoline subsidies The sudden move more than doubled local ...