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Editor’s Letter : Value Judgment

There is no doubt that the people entrusted to find the solutions to the worlds economic and financial problems have been fighting valiantly both to contain the crisis and to solve the underlying problems...


Emerging Markets : China’s Premier puts the US on notice

<p>Wen Jiabao:May be preparing ground for major policy shift Wen Jiabao, China’s premier, has had a lot to say about US treasury bonds and the relative value of the yuan lately. Perhaps he misses his strategic economic dialogue with former ...</p>


Emerging Markets : Roth brings down franc

Jean-Pierre Roth, the low-key chairman of the Swiss National Bank, is not the type of person you would expect to shock the financial world. But that is exactly what he did on March 12 when he confirmed that the bank ...


Milestones : Corporate Europe Set For Equity Rush

<p>EUROPE     Cash is costly for Hammerson, developer of this UK cineplex With headlines dominated by bank bailouts totaling billions of dollars, it’s easy to get blasé about the scale of the challenge facing the global economy. Nevertheless, a ...</p>


Newsmakers : Obama Targets Climate Change

UNITED STATES     Hardhitting team appointed to curb US carbon emissions With a new line-up of officials steering Washington’s environmental and energy policies for the next four years and global talks under way to iron out a successor pact ...


Newsmakers : Santander Loses Face In Latin America

LATIN AMERICA     Sleepless in Madrid: Santander chairman Emilio Botin Spanish banking giant Santander is struggling to contain the fallout from the more than $3 billion loss its clients sustained through the bank’s investments in funds linked to disgraced ...


TCM : Software Providers

TREASURY & CASH MANAGEMENT - SPONSORED DIRECTORY Global Finance presents its annual guide to the key products and technology providers in the treasury and cash management space.     Capabilities/services: Ariba Invoice and Payment is the leading enterprise solution for ...


Editor’s Letter

With the inauguration of President Barack Obama, the United Statesand by default the worldhas entered a new era...


Milestones : Slumping Copper Prices Take Shine Off Growth

CHILE     Chile's president Bachelet: Stimulating economic growth. While high copper prices had maintained Chile’s economy as Latin America’s strongest, it seems the party is over as prices plummet and demand wanes. The South American country, the world’s largest ...


Newsmakers : Economic Gloom Hits Business Confidence

UNITED STATES   As the credit crisis deepens and government measures to kick-start bank lending fall short of the mark, the mood among company CEOs, particularly those with operations in Europe and Asia, is beginning to darken. These are the ...