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Newsmakers : The Maestro Strikes A Chord

UNITED STATES     Alan Greenspan: Introducing his own turbulence to the markets. Talk about good timing. Alan Greenspan’s memoirs, entitled The Age of Turbulence, topped the bestseller list at last month as volatility continued to rattle global financial ...


Newsmakers : Trichet Urges Better Risk Control

EUROPE     Trichet: Questions investors' reliance on credit ratings. The subprime mortgage crisis in the US has forced the president of the European Central Bank (ECB) to speak out about the new sources of risk being created by the ...


Newsmakers : Few Cities Attain ‘knowledge Hub’ Status

Europe     Stockholm: One of 15 knowledge hubs. With just over two years to go, the European Commission’s Lisbon Agenda initiative to transform Europe into the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010 appears to ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers : The unsinkable mrs. K

Argentina       Double act: Nestor Kirchner and the presidential hopeful, Mrs. K. Argentine First Lady and senator Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is poised to replace her husband, President Nestor Kirchner, in the top post in the October 28 ...


Newsmakers : ‘Helicopter Ben’ Refuses To Panic

United states     Bernanke under pressure as he fends off calls for a rate cut. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke didn’t exactly call out the helicopters and dump bundles of money on Wall Street last month to keep the ...


Milestones : London Takes The Lead For Commerce

Global     London: The "epicenter of world commerce" London is perhaps best known for major tourist attractions such as Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge and Madame Tussaud’s, but now it has a new moniker as the epicenter of commerce globally, ...


Newsmakers : Airbus Gets A Lift As New Orders Pour In

France     Louis Gallois: Delivering good news Louis Gallois, president and CEO of Airbus, was all smiles at the Paris Air Show last month. Europe’s leading commercial aircraft manufacturer had some good news to announce—deals worth more than $40 ...


Newsmakers : Corporate Fraud On The Rise Despite Sox

United states     Patrick Taylor: No "perfect solution" for fraud prevention Five years ago, in the wake of the Enron and WorldCom scandals, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) was enacted to prevent financial fraud. However, a recent survey of more than 80 ...