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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Nearshoring Tide Rises In Europe

<strong>LOCATION TRENDS </strong>| Technology allows all sorts of work to be done anywhere.Many companies are taking advantage of this power to "nearshore" European operations from pricey major capitals to lower-cost locales.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Brexit: After The Shock

<strong>The United Kingdom </strong>| Individuals and corporate teams alike are struggling through the implications of Brexit, looking for opportunities, and stillhoping the whole thing will go away.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

UK Could Exit Brexit

Britain might not leave the European Union after all. A lot of things have to happen to agree on a divorce that many seem to have changed their minds about.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

ECB Corporate Bond Buying Lures US Issuers

<strong>Capital Markets | Fixed Income</strong><br /> US companies are rushing to borrow in European bond markets. They’re taking advantage of low interest rates on euro-denominated issues after the European Central Bank’s decision to start buying investment-grade corporate bonds in June—part of its economic stimulus program. Last year already set a record for corporate borrowing in Europe’s bond markets, where rates are significantly lower than in the US.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Growing Pirate Party Channels Populist Fury

<strong>Iceland</strong><br /> The Panama Papers’ revelation that Iceland’s prime minister had offshore interests, including claims on Icelandic banks, caused outrage in this naturally volcanic island state.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Tax Planning Goes On Steroids

<strong>Tax Reporting & Compliance</strong><br /> The OECD’s “Base Erosion and Profit Shifting” principles are being incorporated into tax laws in some nations, requiring more transparency from corporate treasury departments.