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Award Winners

Features : World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2009

BEST FX PROVIDERS Global Finance selects the leaders in the world’s biggest financial market.   The foreign exchange market has continued to thrive throughout the global financial crisis, providing some welcome profits for beleaguered financial institutions. Average daily turnover has ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Milestones : Blizzard Of Rate Cuts Topples Records

GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS     Bernanke: Has slashed Fed rate to record lows. Central banks around the world dug deeply into their ammunition dumps and unleashed a volley of outsized rate cuts in December, hoping to keep their economies from ...

Sustainable Finance

Milestones : Business Schools Promote Responsibility

UNITED STATES     Greening finance: Social and environmental ethics will form part of business curriculums. A burgeoning global movement to reshape corporate behavior by weaving corporate social responsibility principles into business school teaching got a boost last month. At ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Ethanol Industry Faces Prospect Of Demand Slump

Brazil       Not so sweet: Predicted demand for Brazil's ethanol is falling. Just a year after Petrobras, Brazil’s state-controlled oil company, predicted Brazil would triple its annual ethanol output to around 70 billion liters by 2020, the market ...


Newsmakers : Correa Steps Up Debt Campaign

Ecuador     Correa: Buying political capital with debt restructuring. Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa has made good on his 2006 presidential campaign promise to default on any foreign debt deemed illegitimate, defaulting on $3.9 billion in global bonds. This marks ...


Newsmakers : Credit Crunch May Be A Myth

United States     Marenzi: Interbank lending assertions are puzzling. A chorus of dissenting voices has emerged that is challenging the widely held belief that interbank lending markets have dried up, commercial lending is being curtailed, and non-financial commercial paper ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Rating Slides As Default Looms

ARGENTINA       President Kirchner makes overtures to avoid debt default. After months of analysts’ warnings that Argentina may be facing a new debt default, Standard & Poor’s agreed. The ratings agency lowered Argentina’s sovereign rating on October 31 ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Dollar Shoots Higher Amid Financial Crisis

FOREIGN EXCHANGE     The dollar will resume its remarkable comeback as slumping economies around the world trigger rising credit defaults and usher in a new flight to safety, currency analysts say. “Developments in the credit and equity markets will ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : New Indexes Track London-listed Gdrs

GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS     The Bank of New York Mellon introduced 31 new global depositary receipt indexes, including a master index of all GDRs traded on the London Stock Exchange. The bank, which acts as depositary for more than 1,300 ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Surge Of Bank Mergers Dominates Deal Activity

MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS     Government-encouraged bank mergers and bailouts are keeping global M&A; activity alive amid the financial crisis, which has severely restricted financing for corporate buyouts. San Francisco-based Wells Fargo’s $15.1 billion acquisition of Wachovia, which derailed a ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Cover Story : Capitalizing on the Crisis

  CAPITALIZING ON THE CRISIS RETURN OF THE IMF As crippled nations beat a path to its door, the IMF is enjoying a dramatic return from near-irrelevance. How it wields its revived power and influence will determine its long-term future. ...