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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Rising Recession Risk

Central bank rate-hiking may bring on a recession, unemployment and debt defaults. Some say that’s just the price of suppressing inflation.


Shell CEO’s Balancing Act

The company and other giant petroleum refiners face an uphill battle after a US Congressional committee released documents revealing that their executives and staffers contradicted their public statements regarding their sustainability goals.


World’s Best Banks 2022

Global Finance presents its 29th annual list of the best banks worldwide, which includes the global, regional and national winners from more than 150 countries and regions.


Africa Supplement 2022

Africa is witnessing an unprecedented rebound in foreign investment with opportunities in fintech at the forefront. At the same time, the war in Ukraine is causing a crisis in food prices that are hitting the poorest Africa nations the hardest.


Latin America Supplement 2022

While most of the developed world enjoyed record levels of economic activity on the back of supportive central bank policies last year, Latin America and the Caribbean navigated a very different scenario. With a toxic combination of currency devaluation, high inflation and persistent unemployment, the region seems to have taken the brunt of the pandemic crisis, struggling to stage a complete rebound from 2020.