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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Peru’s Economy On A Roll

<strong>Trends | Peru</strong><br /> There is no stopping Peru’s economy.<br />

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Philippines Jump-Starts Electronic Banking

<strong>Capital Markets | Banking Reform</strong><br /> More than one hundred million people, 2.5 billion transactions every month—and just 1% of payments made electronically.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Activist Investors Target Banks

<strong>Management | Shareholder Activism</strong><br /> Activist investors are knocking more loudly at banks’ doors. According to Thomson Reuters data, in 2015, activists launched 97 campaigns aimed at the US financial sector, 22 of them targeting banks.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

ASEAN Midwifes A Regional Trade Powerhouse

A new era kicked off on December 31, 2015, for the 10 countries that are part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations: The alliance launched the Asean Economic Community (AEC), a trade bloc aimed at creating a unified, cross-border market where labor, services and capital can flow without restrictions.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Burkina Faso’s New President Has An Edge

Burkina Faso There’s been big change in the small country of Burkina Faso. On November 29, the West African nation of 17 million held its first free elections in almost three decades.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Will Historic Elections Pull Myanmar Into Modernity?

History was made in Myanmar, the country formerly called Burma, on November 8, when the National League for Democracy (NLD), headed by Noble Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, won a near-total sweep in the first democratic election in 25 years.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Irans Peace Dividend

“An economic windfall.” That’s how the World Bank’s chief economist for the Middle East and North Africa, Shantayanan Devarajan, characterized the boost to the Iranian economy from the lifting of sanctions in the wake of the nuclear deal struck with the permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

WTO: Landmark IT Trade Deal First In 18 Years

Tariffs on hundreds of information technology (IT) goods—201, to be precise—will be slashed starting next year as a result of a sweeping agreement in July by member nations of the World Trade Organization.