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The Price Of Stability

COVER STORY: FINANCIAL REGULATION By Justin Keay Businesses can expect to see their top-line costs rise under new banking regulations in the US and Europe. Will it be money well spent? If in pre-credit-crunch days policymakers uttered ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Books Excerpt: Losing Control

BOOKS —LOSING CONTROL By Stephen D. King The world is witnessing a massive redistribution of wealth as the West learns it can no longer live beyond its means, says HSBC's group chief economist Stephen D. King, author of ...


Drowning In Debt

COVER STORY: AFTER THE BAILOUT The turmoil in Greece and the subsequent rout of the euro have rattled global markets and caused a renewed bout of hand-wringing over the stability of the global economy. Some believe the developed markets ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Euro Bounces Back From Four-Year Low But Remains Fragile

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS — FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Gordon Platt The euro fell to a four-year low in early June, dropping to within a whisker of its 1999 introductory rate of $1.18, before suddenly bouncing higher in thin ...

Country Report

Pole Position

Country Report: Poland By Justin Keay Having weathered the recent global crisis better than almost any other European country, Poland is laying the foundation for a sustainable long-term recovery. Poland's tumultuous history has made it no ...

Country Report

Steady Progress

Country Report: Portugal By Denise Bedell Portugal has been hit hard by the general uncertainty over the eurozone's future, but its prospects are outshining some of its neighbors'. It may still be laboring in Greece's shadow, ...

Award Winners

The World’s Best Sub-Custodians

ANNUAL SURVEY: THE WORLD'S BEST SUB-CUSTODIANS Sub-Custodians Feeling The Heat Global investing in turbulent times puts the spotlight on local safekeepers. By Gordon Platt As they seek to reassure investors that their assets in foreign ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Debt

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS — CORPORATE DEBT ISSUANCE EBBS IN VOLATILE MARKET By Gordon Platt Reverberations from the debt crisis in Greece rattled through the corporate debt market in early May, causing extremely volatile conditions that disrupted what ...