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Sanusi Fears Impact Of European Crisis

NEWSMAKERS: NIGERIA By Anita Hawser Nigerian central bank governor Lamido Sanusi believes the likelihood of European banks going into a major crisis is quite high, and is concerned over the impact on Nigerian oil exports. Sanusi looks to Asia ...


Jon Corzine Has A Lot Of Explaining To Do

NEWSMAKERS: UNITED STATES By Gordon Platt Jon Corzine, the former governor of New Jersey and once a US senator, believes that a man’s word is his bond. Fallout from MF Global raises concerns over CFTC watchfulness When ...


Madeira Debts Add To Portuguese Concerns

MILESTONES: PORTUGAL By Matt Greco With the government of Portugal announcing one austerity measure after another to meet IMF-imposed budgetary guidelines and as the rating agencies hack away at the credit-worthiness of the country’s financial institutions, new revelations ...


Strong Investor Interest In Irish Bonds

MILESTONES: IRELAND By Matt Greco In Ireland each day’s financial developments seem to bring either a positive surprise or a mild disappointment. Irish four- and eight-year bond sales in September generated the greatest one-day increase in price ...

Award Winners

Central Banker Report Cards 2011

MIRACLE WORKERS REACH END OF THE ROAD By Gordon Platt, Antonio Guerrero and Anita Hawser Boosting employment and production are the elusive goals of today’s central bankers. If it’s broke, fix it. Central bankers are taking on ...


Lagarde Prepares To Put Her Stamp On The IMF

NEWSMAKERS: GLOBAL By Michael Shari Not since the reconstruction of Western Europe in the aftermath of World War II has an incoming managing director of the International Monetary Fund come under such tremendous pressure to prove that it ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Trade & Supply Chain Finance 2011: Forfaiting

IN WITH THE OLD By Paula L. Green Thanks to new technology that improves information flow, traditional trade finance tools such as forfaiting are now being used more frequently as part of a broader supply chain finance program. ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks 2011: Global Winners

Global Winners Best Corporate Bank JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chase provides many of the world’s most prominent corporations with the financial services they need to succeed in global markets. With $2 trillion in assets, the bank operates in 60 countries and ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: Euro Rebounds As EFSF Expands

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Gordon Platt The EU summit in July not only reached agreement on a second...


Draghi Faces No-Win Situation As Europe’s Central Banker

NEWSMAKERS: EUROPE by Anita Hawser Draghi: Will face scrutiny Despite attempts to block his candidacy, Bank of Italy governor Mario Draghi will become the new president of the European Central Bank (ECB) when Jean-Claude Trichet retires in October. ...