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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Special Report: Renminbi Trading

A DIM SUM BANQUET By Arthur Clennam The offshore renminbi market has been growing rapidly, but its character is changing. Were it a new model car, the market for offshore renminbi trading might be dubbed the “Inexorable”—but ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks 2012: Asia

By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt ASIA Asia has provided one of the few bright spots in the global economy in recent years. The region rebounded quickly from the global financial crisis and has thus far avoided ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks 2012: Middle East

By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt MIDDLE EAST The oil-exporting countries of the Middle East are enjoying strong economic growth, whereas countries that experienced political uprisings during the Arab Spring of 2011 are struggling to get back ...

Award Winners

Best Investment Banks 2012: Country Awards

By Michael Shari COUNTRY AWARDS - NORTH AMERICA CANADA BMO Capital Markets Thanks to its strength in mining and energy, BMO Capital Markets commanded a 20.1% share of Canada’s M&A market last year. That was more than any other bank, comprising ...

Award Winners

Awards: Best Investment Banks 2012

ANNUAL SURVEY AND AWARDS— REDEFINING SUCCESS By Michael Shari Global investment banks and strong local banks make the list in our annual awards. For an investment bank, success has long been defined as staying true to one’s ...

Award Winners

Best Investment Banks 2012: Regional Awards

By Michael Shari REGIONAL AWARDS - NORTH AMERICA BEST INVESTMENT BANK Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs has built what KBW’s Cannon calls “the powerhouse brand” on Wall Street by constantly structuring complex deals that combine its three core businesses—equity, debt and ...


Roundtable: Philippines

UPWARD TRAJECTORY Moderated By Denise Bedell At a roundtable in Makati City, Manila, Global Finance brought together key banking and corporate figures in the Philippines to discuss how they are responding to the challenges they face in attracting ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Roundtable: Taiwan

NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH By Andrea Fiano At a roundtable in Taipei, Global Finance brought together key figures in Taiwan's banking and finance industry to discuss how new cross-strait trade opportunities will support this export-driven economy. Andrea ...

Award Winners

World’s Safest Banks Midyear Update

SEA CHANGE By Andrew Cunningham Global Finance presents a half-year update to its annual ranking of The World’s Safest Banks. The safest banks in the world are still European banks, despite the crisis in the eurozone, but ...

Award Winners

Best Providers Of Money Market Funds

By Anita Hawser BEST PROVIDER OF MONEY MARKET FUNDS NORTH AMERICA J.P. Morgan Asset Management In the current economic climate where investors are more cognizant of counterparty risk, highly rated money market funds with sizable assets under management and clear investment ...