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Cover Story : A Calming Influence

CENTRAL BANKERS PERSPECTIVES     Central bankers deserve much of the credit for the financial world’s ability to ride out tumultuous market conditions. Global Finance asked the central bankers who were awarded “A” grades in our recent central banker report ...


Cover Story : Brave New World

A NEW DAWN     “O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world That has such people in’t!” —William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Act V, Scene I.       From the ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Cover Story : Trying Times

THE WORLD BANK The World Bank’s struggle to redefine its role in a globalized economy has raised a fundamental question: Do we really need a World Bank?     No sooner had the dust settled after the controversial departure of ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Features : Security Complex

Changes in regulations are forcing top corporate executives to focus on beefing up their companies data security. As IT and...