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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Move Over Fiat Currencies

At Sibos in Geneva, financial technology, or fintech (blockchain, artificial intelligence, machine learning), was present in almost every conference presentation and workshop. And even in those sessions that didn’t directly reference it, one felt a sense that banking in particular ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

No More Compliance Headaches?

Corporate compliance and due diligence headaches may be easing, as a number of new services have been launched to help companies screen suppliers against global sanctions lists. Ever-increasing regulatory requirements, including broader monitoring and compliance obligations, and ever-changing sanctions and ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Technology And Finance: A Match In Flux

One message comes quite clearly out of Sibos in Geneva this year: fintech companies and financial institutions are re-thinking their relationships. And in general both sides are ready to consider different models of collaboration and coexistence. Few possibilities are excluded. ...


Can Jet CEO Make Fly?

<strong>US</strong> | Wal-Mart’s decision to buy, a fast-growing e-commerce company, for $3.3 billion is being viewed as a shrewd move for both companies—one that strengthens their ability to compete with Amazon.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Can KYC Be As Easy As ABC?

<strong>Compliance </strong>| Know Your Customer obligations on corporate treasuries and their banking partners are rising. Can financial utilities alleviate the risk and cost?


Eurozone Attracts Record Foreign Investment

<strong>Europe</strong> | Foreign direct investment (FDI) into Europe hit a record high in 2015 with 5,083 new cross-border projects, an increase of 14% from 2014, creating approximately 218,000 new jobs

Economics, Policy & Regulation

India: Landmark Reform To Unify Taxes

<strong>India</strong> | The Indian parliament’s adoption of a constitutional amendment bill has paved the way for the biggest tax reform in the $2 trillion economy’s history, as Narendra Modi’s government prepares to usher in a dramatic change in the tax regime: a single goods and services tax (GST) that subsumes all central, state and local levies.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Keeping Up With The Regulators

<strong>Regulations </strong>| Compliance in a shifting regulatory environment requires nimble responses.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Once Bitten, Twice Finance Minister

<strong>Indonesia |</strong>Can themuch-admired former Finance Minister of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati,bring back the magic in her second tour in the post?