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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Banker Arrests Shake Investor Confidence

MILESTONES: VIETNAM   By Thomas Clouse   Vietnam’s stock markets tumbled in August following the arrests of two of the country’s top bankers, Nguyen Duc Kien and Ly Xuan Hai.   Asia Commercial Bank’s Kien arrested for “illegal business activity” Photo ...


Cover Story: World’s Best Banks 2012

DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH   By Gordon Platt, Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson & Antonio Guerrero   The World’s Best Banks undoubtedly have flaws, but their fundamentals are improving. Global Finance unveils its annual list of the best banks globally, regionally ...


Financial Utilities That Are Too Important To Fail

MILESTONES: US/GLOBAL   By Gordon Platt   Two years after Dodd-Frank became law, US regulators identified eight "systemically important" clearing and payment firms that provide critical infrastructure to the country's financial system.   Systemically important financial utilities named None of the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Hailemariam To Lead Ethiopia’s Transformation

NEWSMAKERS: ETHIOPIA   By Valentina Pasquali   Plagued by corruption and emerging from three decades of stable but authoritarian government, Ethiopia is undergoing its first peaceful transfer of power after the death, in August, of longtime prime minister Meles Zenawi.   ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

IMF Playing Catch-Up With Global Economy, Says Former Adviser

MILESTONES: IMF/WORLD BANK   By Laurence Neville   A year on from the appointment of Christine Lagarde as managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the challenges faced by her institution—and its sister entity, the World Bank—in helping to right ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

New YPF Chief Has His Work Cut Out For Him

NEWSMAKERS: ARGENTINA     Miguel Galuccio is very busy these days. The new CEO of Argentine firm YPF is discussing possible joint ventures with Chevron, Gazprom and the Argentine firm Bridas—partially owned by China's CNOOC.   YPF aims to restore ...


Owen Leads New Unit At RBS

NEWSMAKERS: UNITED KINGDOM   By Anita Hawser   Since its bailout after the 2008 financial crisis, Royal Bank of Scotland has come under pressure from the government to increase lending, and recent reports suggest the government is considering fully nationalizing ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Russia Finally Seated At The WTO Table

MILESTONES: RUSSIA   By Kim Iskyan   After a 19-year process, on August 22, Russia finally became a full-fledged member of the World Trade Organization.   Russia expects long-term benefits from WTO membership Accession will have little impact in the short ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Salon: Robert Brusca, FAO Economics

ECONOMIC CHEMOTHERAPY   By Udayan Gupta   Global Finance sat down with economist Robert Brusca, head of consultancy FAO Economics, to discuss the global outlook, the future of Greece and the problem with current-account surpluses and deficits. Brusca has been ...


SIBOS 2012

SWIFT AND EFFICIENT   By Denise Bedell   More companies than ever are now connecting directly to their banks and counterparties via the global SWIFT messaging system—970 corporates worldwide, at last count.   That figure may seem small, but these ...


SIBOS: Centralization: Under One Roof

SHARING THE BURDEN   By Karen Kroll   New regulations and global uncertainty are reviving corporate focus on payment factories and in-house banks.   As companies look further outside their borders for new growth and increased regulation makes tracking cash ...


SIBOS: Going Mobile

ELEGANT, YET SIMPLE   By Paula Green   Corporates are beginning to use mobile finance solutions not only for payments but also to monitor risk and plan for contingencies.   Mobile mania is just beginning to make its way into ...