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SIBOS: SWIFT For Corporates

BEYOND CONNECTIVITY   By Rebecca Brace   SWIFT continues to roll out new company-focused initiatives as its corporate user-base grows.   As SWIFT’s corporate membership figures rise—the number currently stands at around 970–the bank-owned cooperative is working on a number ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Stats: Commodity Prices Hit Emerging Markets Hardest

Commodity Prices And Emerging Markets Rising commodity prices have a much bigger effect on the performance of emerging markets economies than they do in developed markets.   “This chart is important because it shows how sensitive emerging markets are to ...


World’s Best Banks 2012: Country Winners

By Gordon Platt, Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson & Antonio Guerrero Country Winners   World’s Best Banks 2012 Back To Main Article World’s Best Banks 2012: Global Winners World’s Best Banks 2012: Regional Winners


World’s Best Banks 2012: Global Winners

By Gordon Platt, Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson & Antonio Guerrero Global Winners BEST CORPORATE BANK Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank, the largest bank in Germany, is a leading global corporate and investment bank and has long been the top foreign exchange ...


World’s Best Banks 2012: Regional Winners

By Gordon Platt, Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson & Antonio Guerrero Regional Winners BEST BANK IN NORTH AMERICA JPMorgan Chase   JPMorgan Chase is the top US bank by assets. “For America’s largest companies, we raised or lent over $720 billion ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Asean Jolted By Discord Among Membership

MILESTONES: ASIA   By Thomas Clouse   The Association for Southeast Asian Nations celebrated its 45th anniversary in July in Jakarta, as conflicts over the organization's role in the region continued to create tension among its members and questions about ...


Canada: Maple Group Finally Wins In TMX Takeover Battle

MILESTONES: CANADA   By Erik Heinrich   The takeover of Canadian stock market operator TMX Group by Maple Group, a consortium of financial institutions, was approved by TMX's shareholders, bringing to a close more than a year of sometimes acrimonious ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Colombia Reaps Big Rewards From Free-Trade Agreements

MILESTONES: COLOMBIA   By Dan Keeler   Three months after its free-trade agreement with the United States went into effect, Colombia is already reaping the benefits, in terms of investment, export growth and job creation.   González, Proexport Colombia: Colombia's ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover: Searching for Global Demand

DEMAND WHERE WILL IT COME FROM?   By Laurence Neville   The worldwide call for public, private and corporate debt reduction raises the question of where spending and demand will come from going forward. Particularly now, as emerging markets stars—such ...


Japan: Veteran Executive Takes Top Job At Nomura

NEWSMAKERS: JAPAN   By Valentina Pasquali   After the insider-trading scandal that, in July, forced the resignation of both its chief executive officer and chief operating officer, Japan's largest financial conglomerate, Nomura, is gearing up for a new chapter in ...