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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Free Float Frees Up Sri Lankan Rupee

MILESTONES: SRI LANKA By Kim Iskyan After months of conjecture, Sri Lanka’s central bank announced on February 9 that it would no longer defend the rupee at a particular level—in effect, allowing it to float. The move spooked investors, ...


Nigerian Candidate Breaks The World Bank Mold

NEWSMAKERS: GLOBAL By Luca Ventura When Robert Zoellick announced in February that he would leave the World Bank in June, at the expiration of his five-year term as president, initial speculation over his possible successor revolved around the usual ...


Reding Lobbies For Board Member Quotas

NEWSMAKERS: EUROPE By Valentina Pasquali In the European Union, women comprise 60% of university graduates but only about 12% of corporate board members. Reding: Tackling red-hot issues such as gender parity The European Commission has decided to take action ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Salon: Dean Baker – Fostering Growth

FOSTERING GROWTH By Alberto Riva Global Finance sat down with economist Dean Baker, co-director and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, DC, and author of several books, including The End of Loser Liberalism: Making ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Strong Growth, Strong Reform In Mongolia

MILESTONES: MONGOLIA By Thomas Clouse Mongolia’s economy grew at a record-setting pace in 2011, bringing optimism for improved living standards—and concerns about overheating. In February the World Bank cited 2011 GDP growth at 17.3%, up from 6.4% in 2010. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Bangladesh Angles For Foreign Investment

MILESTONES: BANGLADESH By Udayan Gupta Bangladesh is one of the more intriguing frontier market economies for foreign investors. In 2011 its GDP rose an estimated 6.3%. But a volatile political environment and an economy that is not immune to ...


CEO Ghizzoni Boosts UniCredit With Daring Capital Raising

NEWSMAKERS: ITALY By Laurence Neville While many big wigs in the world of finance hit the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in late January to rub shoulders with glamorous attendees from business, politics and showbiz—this year led ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

China And India Grapple With Skyscraper Building Bubbles

MILESTONES: CHINA/INDIA By Erik Heinrich China and India are in the midst of a skyscraper building boom that is radically transforming the skylines of its biggest cities and raising hubris to new heights. At present China is ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover Story: Global Elections 2012

ELECTION YEAR By Laurence Neville Numerous countries around the world are holding elections this year, which could create market uncertainty and hold back much-needed political decision-making—particularly in Europe. Unlike 2011, which was a year of "unknown unknowns," ...


Facebook COO Sandberg Offers A Seasoned Hand In IPO

NEWSMAKERS: UNITED STATES By Valentina Pasquali When social-networking giant Facebook filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission in February to raise $5 billion in one of the most anticipated initial public offerings of recent times, the talk ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Foster Becomes CEO At Petrobras

NEWSMAKERS: BRAZIL By Antonio Guerrero Graças Foster, 58, was appointed CEO of Brazil's Petrobras state-controlled oil company in February, becoming the first woman ever to head one of the world's top oil operations. Foster was nominated by ...