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Milestones : Europe’s Ipo Market Slumps

EUROPE     Blowout: EDP Renováveis' stock tumbled more than 20% after its IPO With equity capital markets bankers in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) market focused on massive rights issues to recapitalize their peers in recent months, ...


Newsmakers : Calderón Aide Takes Top Economy Job

MEXICO     Mexico's president Felipe Calderón is hoping Ruiz can help get the economy back on track. Faced with the fallout from the US economic slowdown, Mexico’s president, Felipe Calderón, appointed former businessman Gerardo Ruiz to the country’s top ...


Editor’s Letter: Carbon Cop-out

Few people would now argue that something needs to be done to arrestand perhaps reversethe growth of emissions that are contributing to global climate change...


Milestones : Banks Struggle To Raise Cash

EUROPE               UBS: Its third cash call, this time to investors, was successful.       Almost a year after the US subprime crisis burst onto the wider global stage, Europe’s banks are paying ...


Milestones : Copper Giant In Sell-off Talks

CHILE               Chile's state-owned copper mine, Codelco, faces opposition over privatization plans.   With the long wave of Latin American privatizations seemingly coming to an end, Chile looks like it might be about to ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers : Charity Partner In Second Mission To India

INDIA/UNITED STATES               Global Finance's sponsored charity, Amrit Davaa, delousing children at Manjushree orphanage.       In early June Global Finance’s partner charity Amrit Davaa embarked on its second mission to Tawang, a ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers : Leaders Line Up Presidential Candidates

URUGUAY               Danilo Astori: Businesses' "darling" in presidential race.   Unable to seek reelection, Uruguayan president Tabaré Vázquez has tipped his finance and economy minister to be the ruling Frente Amplio (FA) coalition’s candidate ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers : Military Pension Fund Spreads Its Wings

TURKEY       Coskun Ulusoy: Army pension fund looks beyond Turkey, but not Asia.   While pension funds in Europe and other parts of the world are being told to raise their game in order to make up investment ...