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Newsmakers : Fuller Disclosure

UNITED STATES When it comes to corporate communications, the bar just keeps getting higher.While many public companies are still trying...


Newsmakers : United States

NANDAPURKAR SWITCHES SIDES AS EUREX STORMS WINDY CITY Satish S. Nandapurkar, a former military officer in the US Air Force,...


Features : Brought to Book

New accounting rules covering derivatives and hedging transactions will have profound implications for corporations. They may affect the viability of...


Features : Growing Pains

As custody outsourcing comes of age, it is undergoing a transformation. Rob Mancuso, senior vice president at Investors Bank &...


Features : High Visibility

Corporate risk managers are finding their roles are getting bigger and their efforts are more closely monitored. In an era...


Features : Lease Extension

Following a few years of depressed activity, the asset finance market is poised for recovery in 2004. How strong that...


Cover Story : All Change

New banking regulations could have as profound an effect on global businesses as any of the recently drafted codes of...