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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover: Three Scenarios for Brazil

SUNSET, OR A NEW SUNRISE? By Michael Shari Brazil faces a monumental challenge in meeting the expectations of its citizens,...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Emerging Markets Roundup: Brazil

BRAZILIAN PORTS OPEN TO PRIVATE INVESTORS By Antonio Guerrero The Dilma Rousseff administration signed into law new regulations that open the country’s ports to greater private-sector investments. Approved in June, the policies are expected to help attract ...


Equity: Companies Raise More DR Capital

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt The pace of capital raising using depositary receipts has accelerated sharply from last year, and the pipeline of future issues is strong, DR bankers say. Much of the recent activity ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Milestones: Free Trade Agreement Deemed A Success After First Year

MILESTONES: US-COLOMBIA By Forrest Jones The free-trade agreement between Colombia and the United States spent years stalled in the US Congress, but it just celebrated its one-year anniversary in May, and both sides are hailing the deal as ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Newsmakers: Ambassador Leads Charm Offensive On Trade

NEWSMAKERS: ECUADOR By Gordon Platt Five days after Ecuador’s left-leaning president Rafael Correa was inaugurated for a third and final four-year term, the country’s ambassador to the US, Nathalie Cely, addressed a group of business leaders and investors at ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Newsmakers: President Goes Toe To Toe With The IMF Over Financials

NEWSMAKERS: ARGENTINA By Paula L. Green Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner isn’t afraid to tangle with the British, global bondholders, her own judicial system or even the International Monetary Fund. Fernández de Kirchner has until September to ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Equity: NYSE, Mexican Exchange Top IPO Charts

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt The New York Stock Exchange and the Mexican Stock Exchange were the top exchanges for initial public offerings in the first quarter, according to research firm Renaissance Capital. The once-sleepy ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Frontier Markets Focus: Panama

MEETING POINT By Dan Keeler Panama is working hard to become the dominant corporate hub in Central America. With its stable and open economy and its uniquely favorable location as the bridge between North and South America, ...