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CEO Ghizzoni Boosts UniCredit With Daring Capital Raising

NEWSMAKERS: ITALY By Laurence Neville While many big wigs in the world of finance hit the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in late January to rub shoulders with glamorous attendees from business, politics and showbiz—this year led ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Country Report: UK Business And Finance

PLUGGING THE HOLE By Vanessa Drucker Although rival political parties in the UK agree on the need for austerity, debate rages on over the timeline and severity. There is little controversy among politicians or economists in the UK ...



Global Finance announces a half-yearly update World’s 50 Safest Banks: April 2012 NEW YORK, March 1, 2012 Bank stability is...


Cover Story: EUROPE 2020

AFTER THE TURMOIL: WHAT COMES NEXT? By Jonathan Gregson, Justin Keay and Vanessa Drucker How the European Union will look in 2020 is unclear. Whether it will see tighter union, a tiered eurozone, or will cease to exist ...


Hildebrand Out At SNB After Wife’s FX Trading Binge

NEWSMAKERS: SWITZERLAND By Valentina Pasquali In the midst of Europe's sovereign debt crisis, a scandal hit the beleaguered continent's financial system in January. Hildebrand forced out of Swiss Central Bank role The head of Switzerland's central bank, ...


Passera Faces Tough Job To Win Over Italian Parliament

NEWSMAKERS: ITALY By Paula Green Ready or not, as minister of economic development, infrastructure and transport for the newly-formed government of prime minister Mario Monti, Italian banker-turned-bureaucrat Corrado Passera will be honing his political skills this year. ...


AT&T Won’t Hang Up On T-Mobile

MILESTONES: US/GERMANY By Gordon Platt Facing a $4 billion breakup fee, AT&T is working hard to make its proposed merger with T-Mobile a reality, despite regulatory stumbling blocks. Deal to create the largest US wireless carrier is in ...


Rajoy Hopes To Reassure Investors In Spain

NEWSMAKERS: SPAIN By Valentina Pasquali Like Greece and Italy, Spain too has a new government, tasked with bringing the country back from the brink. Rajoy heads new government Unlike Greece’s Lucas Papademos and Italy’s Mario Monti, Spain’s prime ...


Daunting Tasks For Papademos

NEWSMAKERS: EUROPE By Valentina Pasquali Greece’s interim prime minister Lucas Papademos was appointed in November, after much squabbling between the country’s two main political parties. Papademos most qualified candidate for the job Papademos faces the daunting tasks ...


New Hydrocarbon Deposit May Kick-start Cyprian Economy

MILESTONES: CYPRUS By Justin Keay These are roller coaster times for Cyprus. Resource wealth to benefit Cypriots But there may be very good news on the horizon. US company Noble Energy is drilling offshore close to where ...


The Italian Job

NEWSMAKERS: ITALY By Anita Hawser As yields on Italian debt crept above 7% in mid-November, all eyes were on Italy as the next house of cards that could come tumbling down in the eurozone. Bini Smaghi out ...